Website doesn't work again 
Autor: Bosgoed K.
Besucht 2011,
Followers 1,
Geteilt 0
This is the second time that I have send you a message.
Is still can't work in the programme for my website.
After de last time I was working in the programme there exist an error.
The website was been deletet. Now I have to log in again and I have the same error as last time I sent you a message.
I hope you can help me.
I don't like it that I can't work again. I can't reach my customers at the moment.
Kaberi Bosgoed
Gepostet am
Hello Bosgoed K.,
Do you get again the error 302 when you try to install the program like in ?
Have you used the same email like the first time?
As alternative you can also try the manual activation procedure described here:
Many thanks!
Yes I have the same error.
I don't understand how it's happend
Er was no code this time.
I get the message the inlog en password does't work. try again.
I hope you can help me beceause I have to work at the programm.
code 331 is the error message
Hello Bosgoed K.,
Error 331 appears when the email and password entered are not correct.
You can also try to reset the password and try again to see if then it works by using the new password.
If this should also not help follow the procedure described on:
Many thanks!