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Créer un champ de recherche dans l'entete adaptive  fr

Autor: JULLIEN Marc
Besucht 1613, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Bonjour, je souhaite créer un champ de recherche interne dans mon entête "adaptive" pour mobile, ou tout "autre page" que la page d'accueil (index) qui inclue le logo de création automatique. Où puis-je trouver le code HTML à recopier mes pages personnelles

hello, I'm looking to add the  'search field in my adaptive's welcome page or any other page than the std welcome ( index) page   from where where I could use the dedicated search field tool. My purpose is soo  to insert the search field in any personal page of my website working the same way than the one from the index page. The other way is for me to duplicate the HTML code you will send me (link) to create this search field in any page (HTML insertion).

Tks for your answer, best rgds

Gepostet am
Claudio D.

Hello Marc,

In the responsive template is it not possible to add html code in the header. What you can do it to add a link to the search page which is as example

where you need to change the URL to the one of your website.

Many thanks!

***** Google Translation:


Dans le modèlerépondantest-il pas possibled'ajouter du codeHTML dansl'en-tête.Qu'est-ce quevous pouvez fairepour ajouterun lien versla page de recherchequi està titre d'exemple

où vous avez besoinde changerl'URLà celuide votre site web.

Merci beaucoup!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.

Bonjour Claudio, Tks for the answer. In the mean time I've found a way to offer a search field with no link keeping the same look & feel than the default one...

1) I used the default search field from the std PC header display

2) once the answer page is displayed (with my original search key) I JUST COPY the entire code of the answer'page and PAST it in my new 'search page' using HTML insert tool

3) this way I can offer a dedicated search field page, working the same way than your original search field.

4) further more it only needs to be sligtly tuned

I also have one request for the next release : will it be possible to add the timestamp to the date of the latest downlaod (currently it only shows the latest download date, but not the TIME)

Tks & Rgds, Marc

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Gepostet am von JULLIEN Marc