Website X5 Manager Apps 
Autor: JULLIEN Marc
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I'm using the apps "Website X5 Manager 1.7.14" (the latest from Play Store) on my Android smartphone (Galaxy Note 10) to valid the comments of my new Blog.
My Pb : Despite that the apps perfectly works at first time, when entering the ID/Password, it doesn't automatically open at the second access (the day after) while displaying the message "Invalid/username password".
--> It is even impossible to re-enter ID/Password without canceling the site and recreating the entry with [+]
Is there a newest version of this Apps or Android, mentioning 2019 in the information Page ?
Tks for your support,
Gepostet am
Salut Marc,
Signalé au Support Incomedia à l'instant, mais il va falloir attendre le début de la semaine prochaine pour avoir la visite d'un technicien.
Bjour Jiper, Merci pour cette rapide prise en cpte. J'imagine que Les ID/Password sont "perdus" au niveau de mon smartphone (Cookies) ?. Cette apps a pourtant bien fonctionné par le passé - peut-être un lien avec mon passage récent de 7.1 à 7.3 PHP ?
Hello Jullien
I can confirm that this is not an issue with the PHP version but it's probably an issue with the login system of the App.
The developers have been notified of this so that they can analyze the issue on the App to get it solved
As soon as news on this becomes available, it will be made known in a public update
Thank you
Bonjour Jullien
Je peux confirmer que ce n'est pas un problème avec la version PHP, mais c'est probablement un problème avec le système de connexion de l'application.
Les développeurs en ont été informés afin qu'ils puissent analyser le problème sur l'application pour le résoudre.
Dès que des nouvelles à ce sujet seront disponibles, elles seront publiées dans une mise à jour publique
I have no changed anything on my X5 app, and I can confirm also to have credentials issue to have an access to website
probably same issue as yours, Marc
iPhone & iPad
I have removed the website and tried to add it again: invalid username /password
the admin panel works fine on the PC !
Updated the X5 app v1.7.3 and adding website works fine on 2 devices
Tks for your Feedback. The apps is now back in track, credential are working fine within each start of the apps (no need to cancel the site and fully log again). I guess the team has worked on it ?
As a recommendation to the team, Il will better clearly explain to the users that the QRCode to automatically log the WS5X Manager is only available after login the "admin page" and not on only accessing the menu 1/Control Panel as I read
Tks, Marc