Having problems website exporting to 1and1 hosting 
Autor: Tom Smith
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I'm using Website X5 Evolution 12 to design a website. My website hoster is 1and1. When I Export to Internet it fails with "Unable to connect to Server. Please check with your Internet Provider that you have the correct connection information."
The server type is SFTP - SSH, the FTP address is mysitename.co.uk, the username is the one I've been given by 1and 1. I know the domain name is correct (the site is up and visible) and I know the username and password are correct as I've managed to upload it by exporting to disk and using Filezilla to upload it.
Whilst I could continue to use Filezilla I'd really rather use the native tool in Website X5.
FWIW I've also tried sftp://www.mysitename.co.uk
Any ideas / help would be appreciated.
Thank you.
Gepostet am
Have you tryed setting the server type to ftp.
Yes, I've tried FTP as well as SFTP. Still no joy.
did you set adress with ftp on 21 ?
Yep, tried that.
I'll attach a couple of screen grabs - note I've changed the credentials (for confidentiality) but the error messages are the same. Also note I've tried using / and /. as the destination.
We've found the problem. Some glitch on the password on the domain. I've changed the SFTP password the hosting site and on Website X5 to match. It works!
Thank you for your help.
OK, glad you found it,
Thanks for sharing the solution.