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Hans B.
Hans B.

Video and Audio Object  en

Autor: Hans B.
Besucht 3658, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Website X5 Support,

I have the Website X5 Evolution program ver.

However, I have a problem with the Video and Audio object. In the viewer, it won’t show my video. I get the error message “Couldn’t load plug-in. Install Media Player Plug-in." I have copied the two files “np-mswmp.dll” and “NPSWF32_11_5_502_110.dll” into the Extension folder, as suggested by your support team. I have also installed Adobe Flash Player 22 PPAPI as suggested by you.

None of this makes any difference.

On my website, the player is just showing a black screen. I have made a test, that the Windows Media Player works. That’s the test, which you suggest in some of the answers you have given to other users.

In the attached file, you will find screen dumps, which should help you to understand my problem.

It is a “.MP4” file I try to play and the size is kb 53.636.

I am using Microsoft Explorer as webbrowser.

Kind regards,

Hans Bruun-Jensen

Gepostet am
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Hans,

Please use the two files linked to in the following thread, as opposed to the outdated ones referred to in your post:

If your issue relates to the WebSite X5 preview browser, then you should ensure that Flash is installed inside the preview browser.  The preview browser within WebSite X5 does not use Internet Explorer...  it is based on Chromium.

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
John S.
John S.

Hello Hans

The best coding to use, is H-264. (it's still a mp4 )

I have found out, that this gives the fewest problems in different browsers.

Kind regards


PS I hope you have solved your problem.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Hello Paul and John,

I have copied the two files “np-mswmp.dll” and “NPSWF32_22_0_0_192.dll” into the Extension folder, as suggested by you. 

The “np-mswmp.dll” dated 07-02-2013 seem to be the same file as the first one I installed, but the “NPSWF32_22_0_0_192.dll” dated 27-06-2016 is a new version.

I have also reinstalled Adobe Flash Player 22 PPAPI as suggested by you. When you install it via the preview browser, you can’t run the installation direct, but you are asked to save the installation file. However, I did it the way, that I right clicked the installation file and installed it as administrator.

Alas, none of those initiatives make any difference.

I can play the MP4 video directly in Windows Media Player. On my website, the player is just showing a black screen. The size of the video is kb 53.636.

I am using Microsoft Explorer 11 as web browser.

I am not really working with videos, and I am not familiar with H-264 coding. However, I have been reading about it on the net and found, that you can get free H-264 video converters. One is from the website, but I wouldn’t know if it is ok to download from there.

Kind regards,

Hans Bruun-Jensen

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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Hans B.
I am using Microsoft Explorer 11 as web browser.

I am confused by this statement, Hans.  The information I relayed above is only valid for problems with the WebSite X5 built-in preview browser, which is what your initial post seemed to refer to.

Issues in the WebSite X5 preview browser, and issues in Internet Explorer, can have very different causes and solutions.

If your issue has more to do with a WebSite X5 project which is live online (and which you cannot view correctly using Internet Explorer), then it will almost certainly be a codec issue.  Try and ensure that your MP4 file is encoded in accordance with the recommendations given in the following FAQ:

It would also be extremely useful if you could post a link/URL to the actual webpage in question.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Paul M.
John S.
John S.

Hello again Hans

As I wrote before - try to convert to a MP4 using the H-264 codec.

There a free videoconverters that can make such a conversion.

Maybe You should try with a MP4 file that already are coded with the H-264. If You can't have such a file to play, You must have another problem too.

The following in Danish :

Hvis du har problemer med at konvertere til MP4 codec H-264, kan jeg evt. være behjælpelig. Hvis du ønsker det, kan jeg lave en ny post, hvor jeg vedhæfter en lille MP4 fil der er med den "rette" codec. Hvis en sådan heller ikke virker hos dig, må der være noget andet galt. Fordelen ved at bruge H-264 er at det virker i de fleste browsere.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Hello Paul and John,

I have converted the original video using an H.264 converter. Now I can play the video on my website. However, in the preview browser I get a new error message saying: “Your browser must support HTML5 or Adobe Flash.” So, I guess that my installing of the Adobe Flash Player 22 PPAPI has failed.

I installed this way. When you install it via the preview browser, you can’t run the installation direct, but you are asked to save the installation file. However, I did it the way, that I right clicked the installation file and installed it as administrator.

Could you please describe for me, how I can install the flash player in a correct way to make it function?

Kind regards,

Hans Bruun-Jensen

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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Hans,

There are quite a few threads on the forum describing the process in detail, including possible pitfalls to be aware of.

Here is one such thread:

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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Hello Paul and John S.,

Tony C. says in one post about the Adobe Flash Player issue:

"....the explanation given about fixing the problem was rather confusing."

Why not say the following:

"1 Download the Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe (unclick any other unwanted option offered)

2 The downloaded Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe file is placed in the Download folder

3 Transfer the Adobe Flash Player plug in file into the Website X5 files folder

4 Run the Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe file."

Could you in a few words tell me, which map I should transfer the Adobe Flash Player plug in .exe file to and activate it from e.g. "Program Files (x86)/Website X5 v12 - Evolution" or e.g."Program Files (x86)/Website X5 v12 - Evolution/PluginApps". I would not like to make a mess, if I do something wrong.

To John S., thank's for giving me the advice about using the H.264 converter.

Kind regards,

Hans Bruun-Jensen

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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Hans,

Do you refer to this post:

If so, I'm afraid I can't comment on that as I don't understand what Tony is trying to say, or the method he is advocating.

His advice conflicts with the official advice offered by the Incomedia support staff for many years.

I have asked Incomedia for their comments.  Your patience in the meantime is appreciated.  Please allow 24/48 hours for a response.

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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Jamie B.
Jamie B.

I can't seem to find any issues with the video object in website x5 it all seems to work fine could you email me your project file to info at x5tuts dot com and I will have alook to see what the issue could be.

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Gepostet am von Jamie B.
Claudio D.

Hello Hans,

Please proceed to install also the most updated flash player plugin on all the browser you have, as example on firefox, Internet explorer and then proceed to test it again.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Hello Claudi

To be sure I installed the latest versions of Flash Player for both Explorer Cromium, but it did not change anything. Then I was just looking around between other post and found these:

"Please try this alternative method of installing Flash in the preview browser, Csaba.

Paste the following URL into the preview browser within WebSite X5 itself, and follow all prompts to install the Flash plugin directly within the preview browser:

Select the version 'FP21 for Opera and Chromium - PPAPI'

You will need to close and restart WebSite X5 after installation.

Let us know how you get on.

Posted on the 04/09/2016 18:27:13

Hello Paul!

In this case nothing changes too!

It will download the Flash Player installer for Opera and Chromium, but after istallation nothing changes in WebsiteX5 preview.

Otherwise to select version 'FP21 for Firefox - NPAPI' is the good choice!

It install the Flash Player for Firefox and the video work fine in WebsiteX5 preview.

But unfortunately I want exactly to keep clear of the Flash Player!

Best regards,


I then installed the Flash Player for Firefox, and now the video works in the Viewer. However, it can't offial solution or what?

Kind regards

Hans Bruun-Jensen

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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Claudio D.

Hello Hans,

Is now all working correctly in the preview?

The program uses for the preview the plugins installed on your computer or browser to display the contents.

Many thanks!

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.