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Jesus G.
Jesus G.

How to publish a PDF and dont let others downloding it.  en

Autor: Jesus G.
Besucht 802, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I want to publish a PDF on my web site, but I don want users to be able to download it.

Gepostet am
John S.
John S.

Hello Jesus

You could use the catalog-viewer. This can be set up without the download possibility.

In most other viewers, you cannot prevent downloading.

BUT - beware that all that is shown/viewed on the screen can be copied/captured.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.
John S.
John S.

Hello Jesus

You should be aware that if you use the solution Elisa gives, then it is possible for a user to make a download.

All the user has to do is to open full-screen 

And then  open file and open in Acrobat Reader - then he can download the file.

If you use the catalog viewer :

then it can be set up with the download possibility not checked.

Then it is not possible to do a download.

But this object is not free.

But again - if it is available on the web, then it is available.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.