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John F.
John F.

Blog Widget Change to Enhance Functionality  en

Autor: John F.
Besucht 1654, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

I'd like to suggest a change in the blog widget for next update.

Add a category selection to the widget which would allow multiple instances of the widget to display only the selected category on a page. For example: Category A on page A. Category B on page B. etc.

This would allow dedicted pages to display only the blog category for that particular page. It would also give site administrators the ability to present the appearance of multiple blogs on a single site.

More specifically: Assume a site with three pages other than Home. Page 1 is titled Gear. Page 2 is titled Herbal. Page 3 is titled Projects. Blog entries would be assigned a category of Gear, Herbal or Projects. Placing the blog widget on Page 1, Gear and assigning the category Gear would only display blog entries within that category. The same would be true of Herbal and Projects.

Thank you in advance,
John F

Gepostet am
John S.
John S.

Hello John

I agree it would be nice if the category was an option you could specify in settings of the blog object.

However - you can do this today, if you use an iframe, to show your blog.

You could then make the pages with the blog-object without the template.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.
John S.
John S.

If you would supply a link for your blog, then I could make an example for you.

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Gepostet am von John S.
John F.
John F.

My blog will be at  It's just a skeleton right now but is the general direction I want to go.

Thank you for your reply and help.

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Gepostet am von John F.
John S.
John S.

Hello John

I have made an example here :

You could in settings for the blog page- in the tab Graphic, set it to : Create the page without the template.

When you have done this and uploaded your page, it will have a much nicer look in the iframes.

When you click on the links on the page ( will see the different response pages.

If you look here :  you will have the blog shown for only the specified page. The URL for the iframe is :

I have named the page : Blog cat 01, but the name could have been : Bug Out Bag

Again - try to create the blog without template. You can change it back later.

I hope it was this you meant.

Kind regards


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Gepostet am von John S.
John F.
John F.

Thank you John,

Very nice. Works like a charm. You've saved me many days of combing the internet for a solution.

I really appreciate your help.

Thanks again,


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Gepostet am von John F.
John S.
John S.

Hello John

Good you like the "solution".

If you don't want the blog to be without template, then you could maybe make it much smaller for the viewport that fits in the iframe. Just a suggestion. Then you could have much smaller header and footer for that.

But I think the best will be with no template.

Kind regards

John S.

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Gepostet am von John S.
John F.
John F.

I can't get this to work.  I'm using the following in Properties before closing the Head tag:

<iframe src="/blog/index.html" category="Wanted" height="100%" width="100%"></iframe>

This will display the blog index page but not just the category I want. Obviously I need more. Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you,

John F.

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Gepostet am von John F.
John S.
John S.

Hello John

You should remove this. ( in properties )

Instead you should in properties for the blog page specify that it should be created without the template.

AND you should on a "normal" page insert a html-object. In this object you specify an iframe.

The iframe ( content of the html-object ) could look something like :

For the html-code :

<iframe id="frame02" name="frame02" src=""></iframe>

For the expert (CSS) :

#frame02 { width:90%; height:800px; margin:2px; border-style:solid; border-width:1px; border-color:grey; }

Hope you are helped by this.

Kind regards

John S.

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