Error in page. page is interrupted in online 
Autor: Amir S.
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There is an error when the site is uploaded. The online page is interrupted. While viewing everything from the inside of the app is all right. Please refer to the link below.
Gepostet am
Everything scrolls footer the page
You probably have in the head or the content a graphic object that is too big, more than the length consumed for the place.
Also check with 5 export analysis and website optimization
The problem is still unresolved. There is nothing in the page that causes the text to go down. I think the new update has this error. I even tested it inside another new page. This error was there.
Please check.
It's true in offline mode, but it's not true in online mode
Hi Amir.
I can actually see the issue online too in the desktop view, and it seems due to some kind of HTML element which is out of place.
Did you perhaps add custom code to this that might be messing up the view?
If yes, try to remove that first. If not, I might need to check your project directly for issue.
In this case, please let me know here so that I might turn your topic private and ask you to send your project to me for further testing
Keep me posted on this
Thank you
I changed the place of the list of products and entered it on an old page of the site but still the same problem arose.
You can see the link below
Maybe this bug is about the product list?
I did not write any code on the page
Even on a new page, I put this list of products, there was still a problem
[quote="Amir S."]Stefano G. Hi Amir. I can actually see the issue online too in the desktop view, and it seems due to some kind of HTML element which is out of place. Did you perhaps add custom code to this that might be messing up the view? If yes, try to remove that first. If not, I might need to check your project directly for issue. In this case, please let me know here so that I might turn your topic private and ask you to send your project to me for further testing Keep me posted on this Thank you Stefano
I changed the place of the list of products and entered it on an old page of the site but still the same problem arose.
You can see the link below
Maybe this bug is about the product list?
I did not write any code on the page
Even on a new page, I put this list of products, there was still a problem
Also, the menu is placed underneath the elements inside the page
Hi Amir,
Were you able to test your website with the newest update 17.0.8?
If not, please do update to this version and test your website again.
Then, let me know if the issue is any better for you
Thank you
hello stefano
update new is true for page
but Also, the menu is placed underneath the elements inside the page
There is an option to bring an option to the front of push it back, but it is better to position them so the do not overlay each other if possible.
Sorry Amir, I misinterpreted your problem from the screen shot, you're quite right, these objects are blocking the level menu. Hopefully someone can assist.
Hi Amir.
Are those objects either Cell Titles or Descriptions?
If so, the issue is currently known and the developers are already hard at work on that
If that's the case, I will be sure to notify you here as soon as news become available on this matter
Thank you for your patience
Good day to you
I would like to inform you that a new update has been released on our BETA channel which addresses the issue you reported.
If you're willing to participate in the BETA program, consult the official BETA page here, after reading all the information about it carefully:
Should you decide to join the BETA program, give me a feedback on this here
Thank you