How to upload pictures to display 
Autor: Bernard P.
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I want to remote upload some pictures and have them display in the galarey
I can upload them to my server but they dont show because they are not included in the galery object
Is ther any way to edit this file without using Website X5
Or is ther some program I can use to upload and display in my Website X5 created site
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Hello Bernard
If it is about to have some images available automatic after upload, you can use something like this:
Here can be shown files read from a folder.
If it is about having the images shown automatically revolving in a gallery, then there are programs on the net, that can read files from a folder and then show in a gallery.
"Is ther any way to edit this file without using Website X5" - not.You need a program to edit the site.You can make changes to the source code, but this requires knowledge of HTML, CSS, PHP, JS.
"Or is ther some program I can use to upload and display in my Website X5 created site"
There are programs on the net that can do what I described - create a slideshow from a folder. If new files are uploaded then they will automatically be part of the slideshow.
For some the google slideshow may be sufficient?
Hi Bernard,
thank you for your message.
With WebSite X5 Pro, you could use the Dynamic Content Object to add a new picture directly online, without using the program.
Please find here the link to the demo version:
Thanks! Kind regards.
With WebSite X5 Pro, you could use the Dynamic Content Object to add a new picture directly online, without using the program.
I have now purchassed and installed Pro version.
I am unclear how to use this to add pictures from remote.
I have set FTP to allow me to any part of the website but where do I post new pictures and how do I link to them.
Sorry to open this link again, I tried to understand the help files but seems I am missing something.
I am going away and want to upload daily pictures we have taken.
Tried using the blog but that was also not easy for me to set.
Regards. Bernard
All I can do is edit the text window. How do I upload pictures with this.
Bernard, you may wish to unmark Elisa's post as correct until you get the answer you need. At the moment it is marked as closed (correct) - I have marked it for Incomedia's attention.
Hi Bernard,
you can upload image files by using the relative icon, please find it here in my screenshot:
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hello Bernard
Although you do not take notice of my posts, I will anyway give you a good hint.
Take a look here :
If you click on one of the images in top, you will see a demo. This is a good way to present images. It even has a gallery-function. It is Easy to install - it is all in ONE file.
I made a quick test myself here :
If you want to upload files via the script, it is recommended that you make a copy of the php-script and then enable upload in this copy. Then both scripts should be placed in the folder you want as starting directory.
The beauty in this is, that if you have existing folders/subfolders with images, then you can just place the script in the folder you have as top-folder for your images - and then you have a good viewer. Then place the copy of the script where you have enabled uploading and then people you give the passwaord for uploading will also be able to upload images.
Once the images is uploaded it will automatically be seen in the viewer.
This is a really easy way to have a good viewer and with upload functions.
If you want a more complex software, then you shoul take a look at the zenphoto here :
But I think you will find no easier way than the Single File PHP Gallery 4.7.1
Both pieces of software is free software.
The script can be embedded in X5.
Easiest via an iframe like here :
Information for those that should be interested :
The software at is coming in a new version, where images that has GPS information can be plotted on a map. The new version is in a beta-test right now.
It is really an amazing piece of code.
I have not answered to youe messages.
I have been away getting married (Reason for wanting to upload pictures) unfornatually my notebook died on the second day, I have installed website on a friends pc so I could access your pages.
I will continue when return to HongKong end of next week.
Again Sorry for the delay....
Hi John S.
Your information is very usefull and I will try to insert into my pages when I return home next week.
Thank you for the usefull information.
Elisa B I will also try your suggestion when Return home.