How do know if a template is in full height 
Autor: Adrian E.
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Is there a possibility to check if a specif template I am intrestzed in uses the full height functionality?
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Hi Adrian,
thank you for your message.
Which template are you please referring to? Do you mean a template on the Marketplace or one included in the software?
Thanks! Kind regards.
Hi Elisa,
I am referring to the tempalte included in the software called "Yoganess"
I do not know if this feature also exists in the EVO Verison, but look under "4" line style -> tab Full Height!
Hi Adrian,
as far as Yoganess is concerned, the Full Height has not been set on this template, but if you like this effect and you want to use this template, you can set it yourself on Step 4> Row Formats.
We've included some examples of templates using the Full Height here:
Please let me know if I can be of further help.