Notification of changes/answers to posts and threads 
Autor: Esahc ..Back in 2016 I submitted this idea
I would like to submit it again as a new request in the hope that someone will see the merit in such a simple request so the helpcenter can become far more useful and responsive. It is easy to miss an update to a thread or even an answer to a question on the helpcenter. Incomedia has the email address of every user, surely it would be a simple matter to send an email when a thread is added to so that every person who has commented, is following or submitted the question is advised. The link is all that is needed in the email.
This could be a simple optional checkbox in the users profile.
For the users who are angry about some feature or failure this does not appear to be an issue because they scour the posts for likeminded people or similar issues, but most of the time I am not angry. It takes considerable effort to check and recheck for updates to posts I may have commented on or marked as following, especially if I have been offline for a day or 2.
Hello.I agree.Notifications wouldbe very helpful.
Hello my virtuals friends! ;o))
This option was active in the old forum (V7, V8 ... I'm moderator since 2009) where users could also exchange Private messages. It was very practical, in fact, to follow the various interventions.
Currently it is particularly painful because many users ask for help, then do not react to help offers made to them.
It is therefore "necessary" to browse the current topics at each visit to see if there is "something new".
Especially since these same users do not use the "Correct" check mark when their problem is resolved, and come back a few weeks later to ask for other help, without saying whether the previous one was useful.
Particularly frustrating for the volunteers who help at the Help Center.
So I subscribe to this idea necessary to make life easier for those who help on this forum.
Have a nice day, hoping everything is going well for you,
Hi guys!
I fully understand your point, and I am so sorry notifications are not available yet. I will be happy to report your request, so to bring the attention back on the matter.
Thank you! Have a lovely day.
It's a pity.
Mobirise forum has this ... like many others solutions...
it's a a good point regarding competition decision too.
and not complicate to implemente it.
Hi All,
I fully agree with Esahc’s comments, its very time consuming having to check the postings every day (more so if you have been away from your PC for a few days) in order to gain insight to the very valuable information and solutions provided by the moderators and the other many users.
I do not think that this is too much to ask for.