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K. Amork
K. Amork

How to retrieve my project file from a recently ended preview version of X5  en

Autor: K. Amork
Besucht 1329, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

In need or urgent assistance. I need to recover my project file from a now inoperable Preview version of X5. I can clearly see my backup files in the My Documents folder but I can't seem to access the actual files in the new version of X5. It get an error message saying that the file was created in a Preview version. When I attempt to go back to the Preview program it no longer loads so I am stuck in limbo. Help!

Gepostet am
Paul M.
Paul M.


I am sorry but it is not possible to import a WebSite X5 project from a Preview version into a mainstream version.  There are warnings regarding this in the Preview versions and also on Incomedia's website:

Preview & Beta FAQ

"Once you open files created with a previous public version of the software in a Beta or a Preview version, these are automatically updated and can no longer be opened in the original version.

Moreover, please consider that the Beta and Preview versions may could show malfunctions which could negatively affect the projects you are working at.

Because of this, we suggest you to use Beta and Preview versions for test projects only or to preventively create a backup copy of your work."

You might be able to salvage some parts of your Preview project using copy and paste?

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
K. Amork
K. Amork

Thanks, Paul. On some level I was aware of this but I was assumed that I would at least be given access to manually recreate what was done in the preview. However, without warning the Preview just stopped fuctioning.

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Gepostet am von K. Amork
K. Amork
K. Amork

Follow up question. Given that the Preview version is essentially the same program that was officially released what is the best way to reconcile the dfferences in the folders. I am attempting to merge what I did in the Preview program with the publicly released version. Any pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

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Gepostet am von K. Amork
Paul M.
Paul M.

Unfortunately I don't know the answer to that question, but hopefully someone else will chip in with ideas and suggestions.

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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.

I'll close this one, so as to continue on the new thread which is flagged for Incomedia's attention.

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Gepostet am von Paul M.