Option in the contact form for sending e-mail to eather e-mail1 or e-mail2 
Autor: Gerard V.
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Good evening, I have made a contact form, in the form is a choice for -Deventer- or -Heerde-, two locations were i work. Is it possible to send the e-mail to e-mail1 or email2, depending on the choice that is made? Thanks for answers, Best regards, Gerard Contact Form Massage Deventer Heerde
Gepostet am
Hi Gerard,
This is not possible in the current state of software functionality. You can use the form for several recipients (addresses separated by semicolons) but all will receive the message.
(User e-mail address: this indicates the address that will receive the data submitted through the forms. You can type in more than one address: separate them with a semi-colon (;).
Extract from the documentation:
E-mail recipient: allows you to define the address to which the data must be sent. You can specify more than one e-mail address: to do this, type all the e-mail addresses separated by a semicolon.
In practice, it's possible to create several forms depending on the specific destination of the request. Idea to dig? The forms on hidden pages, and a "general" page with the information necessary to access each available form ...
NB: FR discussion here : https://helpcenter.websitex5.com/de/post/241500
(Stefano "Incomedia" wrote answer in english..) ;o))
Good luck,
Good afternoon JP, i tought so that its not possible, thanks for the answer, best regards, Gerard