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Marcus C.
Marcus C.

Blogs - canonical meta tag unable to be indexed on search crawlers.  en

Autor: Marcus C.
Besucht 1378, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Using WSx5_Pro is there a way to create the blog on a website so that it will be allowed to be “indexable”?

It appears that WSx5_Pro sets a canonical meta tag which point to a different URL, (same page but adds the “?’ tag as a index pointer), which search engines like Google are unable, (will not) index those blog pages.

Was looking for a way to change that without having to re-write all the blog meta tags manually each time.

Big thanks on any ideas or suggestions,....


Gepostet am
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. Please provide a link to your blog page.

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Gepostet am von Aleksej H.
Stefano G.

Good afternoon

I would like to confirm that Google indeed does index pages with the ? symbol considering this is a standard character used for very specific purposes on pages that work in a dynamic way.

It is possible however that a blog page might take a little longer to index due to the fact that blog pages are currently not present automatically inside the sitemap.xml file. However, the blog page and its articles will get indexed in time unless a specific server configuration disallow them so. Unfortunately, it might take some time for this to happen but I can confirm that the symbol mentioned will in no way cause this behavior

I remain available here


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Gepostet am von Stefano G.
Marcus C.
Marcus C.

Aleksej and Stefano, as usual, big thanks!

I was thinking this might be the case, but when started seeing the SEO scans throwing back the “Indexability = Non-Indexable, Indexability Status = Canonicalised” just on the blogs it had caught my attention.

Just as you informed, the client is saying the blog items/text are in fact showing up in the Google searches, but they saw the “Canonicalised” report, (on blog scans) so they passed it on to me.

This gets me going in the right direction for them,...thanks again!


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Gepostet am von Marcus C.