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Marcus C.
Marcus C.

Contact Form check question  en

Autor: Marcus C.
Besucht 1634, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

For some reason when using the “check question” in the contact email form, no matter if the answer set is incorrect, the email is still sending. Anyone else seen this ?

Gepostet am
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Hello. No. I don't see this error.

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Gepostet am von Aleksej H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marcus,you may wish to do a ctrl+preview and then a full upload of your site.

After this can you provide a link to your form?

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Marcus C.
Marcus C.

Thanks Esahc,

Cleared the server cache, conducted the clt-preview inside WX5, and uploaded fresh. Still got the same issue;

Capture box works great. When changing to “check question”, page works great in preview. After uploading,  “check question” guards against a blank entry, but no matter the answer entered it will process the email.

I have them running on:

Server: Apache / 2

PHP version: 7.4

The clients website is:

I have the web page contact items set for a separate email delivery while we are trouble shooting, so feel free to “send away”....

Any ideas or suggestions greatly appreciated.....


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Gepostet am von Marcus C.
Aleksej H.
Aleksej H.

Do you use any third-party scripts on the page? If yes, disable them.

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Gepostet am von Aleksej H.
Esahc ..
Esahc ..

Marcus, I agree with Alejsej, but you might like to try a simple word rather than a number, I place an image with a word in the bottom of the cell and then ask the user to type in that word. Maybe try a word rather than a number??


Not a rotbot? Tell us what 10 + 3 =*

(& you have a typo :-)

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Gepostet am von Esahc ..
Marcus C.
Marcus C.

Big thanks guys,  (and the typo,...:-)

Really liked the idea you show Esahc, but for some reason no matter what answer is entered, (right or wrong) still precesses.  Gonna start the script deduging on their plug in's.   By chance which file is/are the correct anwers inbeded?  

Did WX5 drop the older version of the check question that used to look like this?

I have a few clients that are using this format, (which their contact page has not had to be updated in awhile).

Thanks again for all the help on this minor, but annoying issue.


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Gepostet am von Marcus C.
Claudio D.
Claudio D.
Nutzer des Monats PT

Se ho capito è questo

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Marcus C.
Marcus C.

Well, I can’t believe that I had missed this one. When setting the Captcha settings in Step 1, Privacy & Security, if the setting is Google reCaptcha, well of course the WX5 Captcha will not respond properly (and vice versa) until setting is changed back. I feel like an idiot, :-)

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Gepostet am von Marcus C.