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Raymond L.
Raymond L.

Button to let customers upload their file  en

Autor: Raymond L.
Besucht 1738, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Dear Supporter,

How can I add a link button to let our customers upload their files to me vai email or FTP?



Gepostet am
John S.
John S.

Oh - forgot: When you have found the method you want to use, then you can make a X5-button that has a link to your file-upload-solution.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Raymond L.
Raymond L.

Dear John, thanks for quick respond.

im check your suggestion now. thanks

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Gepostet am von Raymond L.
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
 ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Raymond L.
Dear Supporter, How can I add a link button to let our customers upload their files to me vai email or FTP? thanks, Raymond

... you could use the expected and simple > Contact Form Object:

>> Attachment File



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Gepostet am von  ‪ KolAsim ‪ ‪
Raymond L.
Raymond L.

Dear Ciao

thank you for the answer


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Gepostet am von Raymond L.
Paul G.
Paul G.

If you want a file sharing script that works just like the file-sharing-script, then you can use ProjectSend, open source, works just like the phpjabbers script and absolutely free!!

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Gepostet am von Paul G.
John S.
John S.

@Paul G.

Looks like a good solution. Do you have some experience with the system?

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Gepostet am von John S.
Paul G.
Paul G.

@John S.

After searching and testing, I found this to be the best open source and also free solution I could find.
It does everything I need it to do.
As an admin you can add users and groups. So let's say you make a group for clients and only the specific client has access to his own upload space without knowing what another clients has uploaded. So client A has no access whatsoever to the upload space of client B.
The administrator gets notified by mail of a clients upload. The admin has also access to all client spaces and can retrieve the necessary or uploaded files, e.g. a graphic file with a company logo.

It works and looks like the php-jabbers one but you can customize it with your logo at the login. And it's totally free!

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Gepostet am von Paul G.