Showbox / show box. arrows under the image not covering the image 
Autor: deltens H.
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is there any possibility to have the showbox "buttons"(css) for next+prev not in the middle over the image, but under the image to not cover the image? thx h.
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an option for image eg image 1/5 would be nice to, to know how many images are in the show box. as I need a simple version, the galleries are no option.
another thing: I was told the showbox does not work on iphoen/ipad...
is there a fix fot that. as far as i can see its only css/js so normally why should apple get a problem?
Can you send us a screenshot of showbox effect that you want get?
Inside the Showbox has added a flash movie? The Flash movie can not be displayed properly on devices as Apple iPhone and iPad.
Pleasehelp,Iboughtwebsitex5evolutionand can notactivateitbecause I do notE-mailAddress.
... I used only images...
option for display "nubmer of boxes" (yes/no) => nr. of images/files
next prev buttons beneath..
would be nice, if its possible to set the next and prev buttons as image
or text too...
I was able to get the "close" button down there, but not very handy...
Hi have PP file perfict to be transfert to start my web page. But it look impossible
cant you give me a solutions please . I am a starter as you si
The arrows with effect slideshows you can put them to the object gallery and using a type of gallery "Thumbnails on several boards" or through a link with Showbox. You mean something else?
If I use the "object gallery", it will be flash and will never work on an ipad...
As I said, the show box should just look like the image I've atteched -> the next and prev. buttons should be _under_ the show box not over the image... (that would be the most important part)....
showing "how many images are in the show box" 1/999 or just 1/3 would be indeed useful....
Showbox link of the object gallery was inserted with the arrows in the center. If you want to move these arrows you must modify the generated code or please create a new script from html code object .
thx, could you point me to the files, where the code is generated from please.
I can remember in former versions I had a tempalte.css, I use now a custom template, so please where are the files located to change them..
It is very complicated to change the code because it is all contained in a file with name x5engine.js. We cannot created a custom script for each users.
thx for the info
would be nice to have these special "elements" as showbox in an extra .js file (uncompressed) in the future >> so most time clients will have 1 homepage and it make sense to make custom changes then...
too much js workaround trix in the DOM gets unnecessarily complicated and takes much time...
(could be that the client says "no" coz of the showbox...)
Also it would be cool if instead of 1 of 3,4... fotos to show, to have points instead of numbers, so if you can click the point you select the photo that you want.
I saw a 3rd. party websitex5 V9 selling template that includes these points, but why you don´t have that option in the software?
Hello Julio and deltens,
if you wish you can use an html object and make use of some jquery slideshow plugin you know is well suited for you. I can link this italian discussion (you can use google translate) where this possibility is discussed.
Hope this helps
Thank you, io parlo italiano anche.