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A A.
A A.

Old image files  en

Autor: A A.
Besucht 5480, Followers 7, Geteilt 52  

I have a project. When I was working on it, I was deleting certain pages, images...then moving unneeded images or deleting them altogether from my hard drive. Yesterday I tried "export site to a disk" to audit image names and image sizes. I found all the images I was looking for and I also found bunch of images with "Image generation error". Those were the images that I deleted long time ago from my project. I looked in the project folder and I found them there as well in the \preview\images. I deleted preview and upload directories but when I tried to reload the project in websitex5 it restores all the files including invalid ones. Is there a way to clean up the project from old image files? P.S. the old image files name are listed in versions.xml Would editing this file help?

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A A.
A A.

Can someone from Incomedia answer this please?

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Gepostet am von A A.
Riccardo P.

Hi Max,

check your project if there are a link at the old image. If you don't find the link of this image, you can move the file in another position so the program can not be access of them.

try to re-export all site in internet.

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
A A.
A A.

Hello Riccardo,

Thank you for responding.

1. check your project if there are a link at the old image

I did check every page. That is the root of the problem - I do not reference these images anywhere on any of my pages.

2. If you don't find the link of this image, you can move the file in another position so the program can not be access of them.

Like I said in my original post 90% of these images are not in their original location and WebsiteX5 generates artificial png files with original files name. All these images have "Image generation error" text as their picture. I did move 10% of the unreferenced images that were showing up as real images. They promtly reverted to "Image generation error" style images.

3. try to re-export all site in internet.

Is exporting to the internet and exporting to the disk exports different files? My impression was that they export exactly the same files - after all that is the purpose of that functionality. Let me know if I am wrong and I will try exporting it to the internet to see if it yeld different results.

Again Riccardo thank you for responding and hope to get your response soon.

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Gepostet am von A A.
A A.
A A.


I confirmed the problem. I made a copy of my project then I removed every page except home page. Then I previewed the project and only home page was available. Then I exported to the disk and checked the image directory - sure enough all the image files still located in the image directory.

This bug creates a huge problem for me that forced my to delay the release of otherwise completed website. I try to seo optimize file name of the images by using keywords as file name. So for example I had an image which was called big-blue-widget.png I edited that image in Photoshop, and replaced the image with edited one which I named the same - big-blue-widget.png because big blue widget is my keyword.

Website X5 however keeps both images associated with the product. When website X5 lumps all images to Images folder it copies the first image which is an old image that was not edited or if I moved or deleted that image WebsiteX5 creates "image generation error" image. Then it tried to copy the valid image, but since the file with the name big-blue-widget.png already exists, Website X5 adds a random string to the end of the image name so i get big-blue-widget_6jhjhs.png

Again this is very serious problem for me because my project has hundreds of these ghost image files. Is there a way to fix it?


I tried exporting project and then importing - same result

I tried Ctrl+5...i do not know what else to try. please help.

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Gepostet am von A A.
A A.
A A.

Der Zwoemti,

It is good to know that I am not going crazy and this problem is confirmed by other people. It is amazing how it slipped through a rigorous QA process at Incomedia.

I am still waiting for support folks to tell us if there is a usable solution or workaround?

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Gepostet am von A A.
A A.
A A.

While Incomedia support folk are taking their well deserved break to enjoy the weekend, some us stuck at work due to some unforeseen Website X5 features.

Anyway folks, I did find a workaround. It is a bit messy but it works. Proceed at your own risk.

1. make a backup of your project in some other directory

2. make a new subdirectory in your project and copy your project.iwprj

3. rename project.iwprj to

4. Open it. i used winRar but other archive program might work as well. Extract project file

5. rename project file to project.doc and double click or just open it with your favorite text editor.

6. Search for the file names you want to remove and delete them. Now you have to remove the whole block. For example to remove image steps4.png you have to remove the whole

        <File xsi:type="ImageGenerator">
          <Error>Image not available</Error>
          <Source>R:\Website Resource\Images\To Sort\steps4.png</Source>
          <Effects />

7. Repeat ad nauseum until you delete all your old images

8. You cannot use WinRar to archive back the file. You have to use Gzip. It is freeware program. Just google it or find it on wikipedia. Keep in mind that it is a command line program so you have to use it from the dos promt

9. Once you Gziped your project you going to end up with project.gz Rename the project to project.iwprj overwriting your original file (you made a backup of the whole thing, right? )

10. Delete Preview and Upload directories as well as backup.iwprj

11. run website x5 and try to load the project - it is going to give you an error because it cannot find versions.xml Try to load the project again and it is going to load. Export to the disk or to the website and Yesssss..all those old images are gone.

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Gepostet am von A A.
Riccardo P.

Hi Max,

try to insert a image in your project and export, than save (with the topo button "save"), re open the project and delete the image, save and export.

The image is not present in the project and will not beexported.

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
A A.
A A.

Hello Riccardo,

1. try to inser a image in your project and export, than save (with the topo button "save"), re open the project and delete the image, save and export.

Are you saying that I should I insert the deleted images back into the project, then export the project, then click save button on the top, close the project, open the project, delete the image again and save the project and the issue would be fixed?

Let me know if I understood you correctly. I just did what I think you suggested and that yelded the following result:

I had file smile.jpg on a certain page which was deleted later on, with smile.jpg left in the project even though it was not reference on any of the pages. When I followed what I think were your recommendations, the end result was that my project has two files smile.jpg and smile_klq5j56p.jpg. Both of these files were not referenced on any of the pages of my project.

Since the issue that we are experiencing appears 100% reproducible in the current version, I assume that you guys tried it out and it worked for you. Did it? Which step did I miss?

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Gepostet am von A A.
Riccardo P.

Hi Max,

have you test it with a new project?

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
A A.
A A.

Hello Riccardo,

You missed my question in the previous post. Can you guys reproduce the problem?

BTW I am running Windows 7 64 Ultimate - maybe it is some kind of permission issue and I need to run Website X5 in compatibility mode?

I will try to reproduce the problem on the brand new project when I get the chance

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Gepostet am von A A.
A A.
A A.

Hello Riccardo,

I tried it on the brand new project. Create new project->Add image->save project->close WSX5->reopen project->delete image box->save project->export project

The problem was not reproduced on the brand new project with the steps that I took.

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Gepostet am von A A.
Riccardo P.

Hi Max,

you need to verify that are no present of the old path in the object of the project.

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
A A.
A A.

Hello Riccardo,

I veriefied that "that are no present of the old path in the object of the project."

Please review my post from 2012-03-02 22:07


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Gepostet am von A A.
Riccardo P.

Hi Max,

probably you have a old project, created with a version of the program where this problem war present.

The error is in the project itself, not in the program therefore whatever version you use to visualize it the result is always the same
Therefore if you start a new project, the error will disapear
Please try and let me know. Thank you!

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
A A.
A A.

hello Reccardo,

Thank you for your suggestion to start over my project. I am going to need a better solution then that. Starting over may or may not solve that problem - I, and I am sure other people who are having it, do not care if new projects created with the latest version do not have that problem. It is unreasonable from Incomedia to expect me do redo the whole project.

I understand that bugs can happen...I am a software engineer myself - I create bugs and fix them every day.

Let me know if Incomedia is planning to fix the problem so that when you load the project with that problem it is automatically fixed. The stand alone tool would work as well.

If this is not something that Incomedia is planning to release, can you provide the instructions how to fix that project manually by editing it with text editor.

Again, in my humble opinion, it is acceptable for the company to have bugs with a complex piece of software such as Website X5. However been a little more open about the problems that you guys have and have some willingness to fix things instead of leaving your customers out in the cold would go a long way for the future sale numbers of your products.

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Gepostet am von A A.
Riccardo P.

Hi Max,

can you send me your project please?

you can send at:

write in the object "post 25486 for Riccardo P."

Or upload the project in your server and send me the link for the Download.

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
Denis Den
Denis Den

I can't understand, why Incomedia doesn't correct this mistake and doesn't make change to the program!!! I see that Incomedia only suggests something new to create, then to remove and further. Incomedia you should correct this mistake!!! We buy your program, it is not gift !!! 

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Gepostet am von Denis Den
Alex S.
Alex S.

Hi Max,

Something similar happened to me some time ago and I managed to solve it but I can't remember how. I think I had been testing the "advanced settings" and left an image in the Welcome page, then chose not to "show the welcome page" but the image was still being sent to the server.

I hope I my answer has been usefull. Best of luck!


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Gepostet am von Alex S.
Alex S.
Alex S.

Max, sorry it wasn't exactly that. I just reloaded in the "faulty project" and refound the mistake. I had loaded a picture for the web icon that wasn't suitable for an icon, but the software kept uploading the image to the server anyway everytime I deleted it. This was where the picture was; "Sitemap creation", choose a page from the menu, go to page properties, choose "graphic" tab and my image was loaded in the "icon for menu item" box.


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Gepostet am von Alex S.