Alpanumeric names in gallery 
Autor: Esahc ..
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Up uptil v2022.3.7 I could easily add extra objects to my gallery of magazine front page images
With v2023.1 you have introduced thumbnails and removed the ability to view the file list as text.
This is a pain, please make this nightmare go away and return the option to list the images as text!! Thumbnails are a nice option but difficult to work with for this website. Stop dumbing WX5 down please.
Gepostet am
Hello. I sent a notification about your idea to the company employees, expect an answer from them here in the comments.
Infatti Esahc , sono d'accordo con te...
La nuova interfaccia senza i nomi è penalizzante e poi il fatto che la Gallery integrata mostri un'interfaccia diversa da quella che è presente invece nelle gallery degli oggetti opzionali porta una confusione in più...
senza contare la scelta (pessima) della "nuova" gestione files... che ad oggi è ancora decisamente limitata rispetto alla gestione files di windows... dopo parecchi mesi dalla sua uscita.
In fact Esahc , I agree with you...
The new interface without the names is penalising, and then the fact that the integrated Gallery shows a different interface from the one that is present instead in the optional object galleries leads to more confusion...
not to mention the (very bad) choice of the 'new' file management... which to this day is still decidedly limited compared to the windows file management... several months after its release.
Hi Esahc,
I have already reported a similar suggestion, but I will be happy to integrate it with the further details you have reported.
Thanks! Kind regards.
Thank you Elisa, if only I thought that something may come of this request for the return of a feature . . . :-(