User update page after login 
Autor: Terence G.
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I want to create a multiple user profiles, and give each user the ability to add information to the assigned page (profile).
Admin to then approve / decline changes.
Is this possible? Where can i find information on the How To?
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You can use the "dynamic content" X5 object.
It is not super. The user has not many possibilities for making it look good/nice.
A maybe better way is to let a user use his own Google Document - or create an account for the user.
The user can then make a "page", where he/she can create a document with images, links and text. It will be simple to use for a user that knows how to make documents. All the user has to do is to send you a code that Google creates for publishing the document. Then insert that code in an iframe on a page.
Beware that the above ways will make it possible for the user to directly publish content on the page in your project. But it will be easy for the user to edit the document - and it will be online on your page within seconds.
If you want full control over what is published (content) then you could let the user make a document in Google Docs and then export it as PDF. You could then publish the PDF when you have checked the content.
Thank you for your reply.
Here is the scenrio:
I want to list our contractors (1800+ and growing) on our site to showcase the skill sets.
* I would create Contractor CSV to import
I want to include the contractors "work completed" into their listing.
* I would like the Contractor to upload, create this content with a pre-made template so they just have to insert text and images where I have placed it.
Bulk upload the Contractor details to display individually per url (page)
* Only area I have seen for bulk import is ecommerce products section.
** Can bulk import of this nature be completed with a blog type page?
Assign each contractor to the Dynamic Content Object placed in respective contractor page.
My thoughts:
Would like to use the ecommerce section to list the contractors as it has bulk import capability, yet I dont see the option to add the Dynamic Content Object to the single product view.. it seems that the single product view cant be edited in this manner.
Your advise would be appreciated.
I don't see any licences on this account....
Anyway... if you have a few dozen contractors you could manage something like this by hand....
If you have so many ( 1800 ?!!!? or plus ) , unfortunately I'm afraid ,it's unmanageable with WebsiteX5, but you need a CMS (WP) with dedicated plugins
With more than 1.800 contractors I think you should think of another approach to the issue.
I would suggest you to consider a database solution.
I have an old example here:
You could make a contractor as a record in a database. You can make it searchable; free text and also a structured search. The structured could be for types of contractors. Skill types maybe.
You have to create a record for a contractor and send the login-information to the contractor.
For a start you can import all records from a CSV-file and afterwards set ownership for each record.
The settings for the table should be that the users are not allowed to create records but they are allowed to edit their own records.
The users could be able to upload images and PDF's if you allow that.
The users will be able to maintain their password.
The users will be able to directly change the content of their own record but you could set it up so you will be advised when changes is made.
It is possible to link to a detail-view for a single record. Like this:
Thank you John.
You have shed light for me within Website x5.
I enjoyed seeing your example site and believe this route will work.
I am very new to Website x5 (2 weeks old) and will take time for me to learn my way around - yet have built with Laravel and fully understand how I would do this within that framework.
Hello Terence
Just to make it clear: X5 can not be used for that. X5 is not a database tool but a tool for building websites.
The example is made wiith the database tool AppGini.
The tool is a rather cheap tool taking in consideration its functionality.
I suggest you use the X5 for the web-part and the database tool only for the database part.
Here: you see a database application integrated into X5.
Here: you can see some online demo projects that is made with AppGini.
The AppGini is rather easy to use to create simple database-applications. You can via hooks make special things, but in most cases the "standard" will do the job.
Another way:
This is an out-of-the-box system. It is not as flexible as a database tool, but maybe it fit your needs.
You can see information and try out a demo here:
And - there is also the free and very advanced member-system Admidio
This is a very advanced and feature-rich member system. But maybe it iwill be like shooting sparrows with a canon.
Thanks so much for all your input John. (you are a champ!)
Yeah, I am going to leave the Cannon and go for the riffle.
We will be finalising direction today.
Thank you!