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Problem with my website  en

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Yesterday my computer stopped working. The hard drive is not restored. The project files with our latest jobs are stored inside the WINDOWS folder Incomedia.

Please tell me if you know how to convert the files that are on our server website into an accessible and editable file iwzip, so that we can access our website.

How can such a thing happen?

Gepostet am
Glaucio M.
Glaucio M.

Amigo BALADIS G., bom dia!

Que triste notícia, já aconteceu comigo também. Se voce reinstalar o WebsiteX5, apontar para a pasta que estão as pastas dos projetos e o mesmo não abrir, acredito que não conseguirá criar o arquivo iwzip.

Resumindo, tente abrir o projeto normalmente após reinstalação.

Desejo sucesso! Avise se conseguiu algum avanço, ok? 

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Gepostet am von Glaucio M.
Eric C.

unfortunately an IWZIP file cannot be generated through the files currently online.
What is currently available on your computer, are you referring to the project folders?
If so, from the Preferences folder you should be able to change the default folder so that the software can point to the folder where the projects are stored, and you should be able to see them in the starting page of WebSite X5.


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Gepostet am von Eric C.

I downloaded all the files from the internet server and saved them in a zip folder. If I send it to you would you be able to convert it to an .iwzip file?

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Gepostet am von BALADIS G.
John S.
John S.


It is not possible to create a project or an iwzip from the project that is on the web.

I cannot, you cannot and INCOMEDIA cannot. There is thousands of posts on this forum regarding that.

However there is a possibility to recreate a project if you either have an iwzip-file (which you apparently don't have) OR to recreate a project from the folder on your desktop-computer.

The iwzip-file is actually a zip-compressed "copy" of a project folder.

If you locate where on your desktop the project folder is - then you can in the settings for the X5 set this location and you should be able to see the project in your X5. If you manage to do this, then one of the first things you should do, is to create an iwzip-file.

If you don't have an iwzip file and you don't have the project files then there is only one way to recreate your project: You have to do it by hand.

As you have the structure, the texts and the images (from the web) then you could use the strongest power that X5 have: It is rather speedy to make a "normal" project with X5, when you have the material ready.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.

If the hard drive cannot be restored and there is no backup copy (with the file extension .iwzip) on an external drive (e.g. USB stick), the project would have to be recreated.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.