WebSite X5Help Center

John S.
John S.

Use credits  en

Autor: John S.
Besucht 848, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

It seem that INCOMEDIA has stopped developing the X5 and turned the X5 into a product where new "functions" is added via to-pay-for objects.

This is a totally fair way to make business. The seller decides what to sell and the buyers decide what to buy.

We (the users) can decide not to buy an upgrade-license.

What is not an acceptable way to make business is to "steal" our credits!

Some Italians are pretty good in making offers you can't resist.

I have an idea:

If you choose to make a renewal of the upgrade, then you have to pay for that (of course) BUT if you at that time have unused credits, then these credits will be withdrawn form the amount you have to pay. You then start with a new upgrade-period and no credits. If you in the upgrade-period buy new credits, you can do that without being afraid that the credits will expire and be stolen from you - provided that you intend to make a new renewal for the upgrade. If you don't want to upgrade you must face that what you have paid for will be stolen.

It is not ideal - but at least we (the users) have an extra choice:

Do we want to buy a upgrade-license despite there is very few enhancements?

Do we want to buy credits despite we know some of them will be stolen?

Do we want to buy credits knowing they will not be stolen - provided we also buy an upgrade-license?

Gepostet am
Elisa B.

Dear John,

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

I would like to start by addressing your suggestion about using credits for license extensions, which I will be happy to report no matter what. While it does sound interesting, it must be considered that the Marketplace resources which can be purchased via credits and the license renewal, which is a regular product purchasable on our store with regular payment types involving regular transactions, are two completely different kinds of products that don't follow the same logics as far as the management of their purchases are concerned. Because of that, "mixing" the two systems could be pretty challenging.

Finally, I understand your perspective regarding the recent developments with WebSite X5, particularly considering the fact that we have been introducing more Optional Objects in the last months. I want to assure you, however, that while we are indeed expanding our range of Optional Objects, we are also actively working on enhancing the software itself. Both aspects of the WebSite X5 world are being developed in parallel to provide users with a comprehensive and versatile website-building experience.

Once again, thank you for sharing your thoughts and feedback. If you have any further questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us.

Best regards.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.
John S.
John S.

I know you have not taken your own medicine and is using other platforms (than the X5) for your e-commerce.

And apparently you have different 3.part systems for the credits and for the license renewal.

But should it not be possible to have the license upgrade be "bought" via credits?

My suggestion was made because of the totally unacceptable system where credits expires.

We (your users) have never been told a valid explanation why this should be neccessary.

If you want to be sure an account with credits is still active, you could let us (the users) to verify that an account is still active. If you want to be sure that you are not used as a bank, then you caould have a maximum amount. And why should we use you as bank? We can never have the credits back as real money?

Why is it neccessary that the credits expire?

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Gepostet am von John S.
John S.
John S.

I am a user of the LuxCal calendar.

The calendar can send reminders via different services. One of these is SMS-messages.

For the SMS a carrier is needed. More carriers have solutions where there is no subscription fee. You pre-pay for an amount of SMS. You do this by paying a sum. You can have different packages. It is like buying a credit pack.

Your account never expires as long as there is transactions within a year. As long as you send at least 1 (one) SMS per year, your account is active and the "tanked" amount can be used for sending SMS. When it is near 0 then you can buy a new package.

This is a much more fair business that if they would "staeal" what is left on the account whan a year is gone. Their "credits" never expires as long as an account is active.

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Gepostet am von John S.
Elisa B.

Hi John, 

I can of course try to report your suggestion, but for the reasons stated above I cannot assure you that it will be put into practice. 

In case of news I will be happy to let you know. 

Kind regards.

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Gepostet am von Elisa B.

Hello all,

From my side, Objects Marketplace should be used obviously by Incomedia, but not so often like now where new each object could be an integrated option into the software paid by our update licence... and it is not the case.... We have an update licence and we paid some features with some objects.foot-in-mouth

It is not normal to have to pay for new features into new object... and Too often like this.

And another aspect is that object development was opened to all few years ago. Now the development platform to create some objects is closed by Incomedia, to be alone to have right to add new objects.

I am pretty sure than many users could develop some objects free of charge to help users and to share new features with the community.

But the dev platform has been closed by Incomedia... Why not re-open this one.

Here the dev link.

and into this link this comment !

So when Incomedia re-opens this library and tool ?

Thank to reply.


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Gepostet am von Axel  

Here some examples of developped objects  by Incomedia !!!! 9yrs ago !!!!

$$$$$$$$$$ was to interesting to close the dev program for users !

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Gepostet am von Axel  

"Expired Credits"

I agree with John. 19 Credits were deleted after 365 days and we (the users) don't get anything as a compensation. By the way, I found nothing good which is worth to spend my credits the last year. The Overlay Menu I've "bought" is crap, sorry, bad but I can't return it. Nothing's getting better using the Software. On the contrary, it is becoming increasingly boring. But to be fair, it's still an easy way to create Websites... To get back to the actual topic, I also thing, that the bought credits should'nt be delated after a while OR the user should get a compansation. BECAUSE? We (the user) payed for the credits!

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Gepostet am von Fa. ALBUS.REISEN