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Alan N.
Alan N.

Form submission sending confirmation but not form email  en

Autor: Alan N.
Besucht 363, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

Not sure when the problem started, probably a while ago, but email form submissions are not sending the main email, however, the confirmation email is being sent.

Not sure what has changed to cause the issue. I have looked at other related posts but haven't found an answer.

Many thanks,


Gepostet am
Alan N.
Alan N.

Think I submitted this too quickly as I believe I may have found the problem.

Under Step 5 Export, Upload the website to the Internet. I went into the FTP and Database connection parameters and selected the email tab. Tried changing the E-mail script type to no effect, but then unchecked  Allow sending from alternative senders, which seems to have solved the problem.

Alan :)

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Gepostet am von Alan N.
Daniel W.
Daniel W.
Nutzer des Monats DENutzer des Monats EN

With the last update the mail sending was changed, but since some web hosts had problems, this option "Allow sending from alternative senders" was added to switch off the new mail sending and use the old mail sending.

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Gepostet am von Daniel W.