After updating to 2024.3.4 the project won't open 
Autor: Miroslav Z.
Besucht 535,
Followers 1,
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Prosím, pomozte mi. Po aktualizaci na 2024.3.4 se projekt neotevře a skončí na 88% Stále čeká několik hodin.
Předem děkuji.
Gepostet am
Hello Miroslav,
I am sorry about the issue.
Are you trying to import the IWZIP of this project, or are you opening it from the list of projects available?
Thank you.
Online translation:
Witaj Miroslav,
Przykro mi z powodu tego problemu.
Czy próbujesz zaimportować IWZIP tego projektu, czy otwierasz go z listy dostępnych projektów?
I open them from the list of available projects.
Hello Miroslav,
could you please provide me with a copy of the project folder, so that I can attempt to reproduce the issue and identify whether it is a localized issue with your computer, or something involving the project itself?
You can find the path the projects are stored at by checking the Preferences settings.
Please make a copy of the folder, archive it into .zip/.rar format and upload the file with or similar services, and provide a download link at support @ (without the spaces).
Thank you.