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Harald Keck
Harald Keck

Website hochladen  de

Autor: Harald Keck
Besucht 1042, Followers 2, Geteilt 0  

Ich kann meine Website nicht direkt mit WebsiteXr hochladen und muss immer den Umweg über ein externes FTP-Programm (FileZilla) gehen. Ich bekomme immer wieder die Fehlermeldung: "Die Verbindung zum Server konnte nicht hergestellt werden." Die Einstellungen sind aber exakt dieselben wie mit FileZilla, und mit dem funktioniert es. Wo könnte das Problem bei WebsiteX5 liegen????

Gepostet am
Riccardo P.

Hi Harald,

probably you need disable the firewall and antivirus because these program can block the connection of the Websitex5.

Try also start Websitex5 with right click and select "run as administrator".

***** Google Translation:


Sie brauchenwahrscheinlichdeaktivieren Sie dieFirewall und Antivirus-Programm, weil diesedie Verbindung derWebsitex5blockieren können.

Versuchen Sie auchstartenWebsitex5mitder rechten Maustasteund wählen Sie "als Administrator ausführen".

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Gepostet am von Riccardo P.
Harald Keck
Harald Keck

Hi Ricardo,

I tried everything what was suggested in other postings related to this issue: disabled all protection programs, started as administrator, set simultaneous connections to 1, switched from passive to active mode etc. It didn´t make any difference. Uploading with the same setting using FileZilla works fine.

My provider confirmed, everytime when I was trying to make an upload, WebsiteX5 was writing a file "imftptest.tft" to the server into the right directory. We also changed directories, it was always the same. This a clear indication that there must be a connection but no transfer of the files for some reason.

Instead, I always receive an error message: "Connection to server failed. General error." But there was a conncetion, otherwise there would be no "imftptest.tft" file on the server.

What else can I do? Could it be that there is a bug in WebsiteX5?



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Gepostet am von Harald Keck