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Hans B.
Hans B.

Blog comments  en

Autor: Hans B.
Besucht 4022, Followers 1, Geteilt 0  

When someone responds to a blog, the message "Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens het toevoegen van Uw commentaar" is shown.

I don't receive the corresponding Email either. From other Q&A's I understand that I am not the only one with this problem. Is there a solution where the servertype remains FTP. What should the settings be; how critical are these settings. Thanks in advance for your support.


Gepostet am
Claudio D.

Hello Hans,

Please try to login to with the username and password you find in the project in step 4 Access management in the Admin user and then verify if you get the error message about the public folder.

If you get this message then you need to verifiy which folder on your hostign server is set as public (with the permissions set to 777) and then you need to enter this foldername in the blog comments settings in the section "subfolder on server where data will be saved".

To find out which folder has the correct settings you can ask your hosting provider so they will tell you which folder is automatically set with the right permissions.

Please keep me updated.

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Gepostet am von Claudio D.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Something strange is happening.   Logging in according your instruction doesn't work. (combination UserID / Password not correct).

Checked many times, but the combination is correct.

FileZilla session (with the UserID and Password) shows me the directory attribute "Admin" and all the subdirectories are set to 777.  Still I get through the website the same message when I respond to the blog.

I am completely lost and appreciate your help.


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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Hans,

Are you using exactly the same details for Username and Password as specified in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Access Management > Groups/Users?

Please be aware that the Username and Password required to access the Admin section of your site is as generated by WebSite X5 in Step 4, and is NOT the same as your FTP/FileZilla UserID/Password.

Are you copying and pasting the details?  If so, try entering them manually.

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Sorry, You are right about userID & Password.

Have corrected this with following result:

Login with link Claudia send me does work.  First option is choise of catagory; second is blog name.  Selecting the blog which accepts comments, gives "no comments".

Comment on the site to this blog still gives the same result.  ("Er is een probleem opgetreden tijdens het toevoegen van Uw commentaar").

Still something is wrong.


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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Check that you have made correct entries in the following fields:

Step 4 Advanced Settings > Blog > Comments tab > Data Save Settings > Subfolder on Server where data will be saved

Step 4 Advanced Settings > Data Management > Writing Access Folder > Server folder with write access

Ensure that you have write permissions on your server for any folders which you designate in these fields.

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Hello Paul,

As requested I have checked all indicated entries. Blog subfolder and Data Management folder are the same and have write access (permissions for total subdirectory = 777).

Results are still very disappointing (the same as above).

In the Data Management section a database name is required.  This is set to "guest.php"

Is this may be the problem?

Best regards,


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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Hans,

A database is not required in order for the Blog to function correctly.  However, having said that, the 'guest.php' entry is wrong anyway as that is not a valid database name.  It would be best to clear that field for now and leave the database settings blank as they are not required.

The only important field in the Data Management section (as far as Blog operation is concerned) is 'Server folder with write access' in the lower right-hand corner.  You must specify a folder/directory name here where the Blog comments will be stored/recorded, and the folder which you specify must physically exist on your server, and you must be able to write to it...  in other words you must ensure directory permissions are set to '777'

The way in which WebSite X5 stores Blog comments is as follows:

If there is no 'Server folder with write access' specified in Data Management then the Blog will not be able to store comments at all; if you do specify a folder here AND it has write access then comments will be stored in said folder; if you further specify a sub-folder in 'Step 4 Advanced Settings > Blog > Comments tab > Data Save Settings > Subfolder on Server where data will be saved' AND that folder has write access, then comments will be recorded in that folder instead.

What results do you get when you visit the following link in your browser:

In particular are there any errors reported, and what version of PHP is on your server?

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Hello Paul,

I have followed your instructions and indeed somthing has changed.

The link gives the result as in the attachment.

On the page "advanced settings" (4) I have changed for 1 blog the possibility to react to the blog.  The result is (after input og comment), that part of the blog simply disappears.

Strange thing is, that pictures are still there, tekst is partly gone.  Also comment is not visible.

You must getting crazy with this stupid Dutch guy, but please try to have some more patience with me.



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Gepostet am von Hans B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Hans...  not going crazy at all...  I'm not like that, have got lots of patience...  no worries  :)

The first thing I would say is that you are running a very outdated version of PHP on your server.  Version 4.4.7 is extremely old, dating back to May 2007:

If you can switch the PHP on your server to version 5 (and hopefully a very recent release of version 5) then I imagine most (if not all) of your issues would disappear immediately.

There is often an option in your host control panel to switch PHP versions, but if not you can contact your host and ask them to do this on your behalf.  WebSite X5 makes use of many PHP functions, and a host which properly supports this is worth its weight in gold.  Consider changing host if you don't get satisfaction, as otherwise you are not getting good value for money.

If you want to try and stick with version 4 PHP for now then I would recommend the following.  Delete ALL X5-related files and folders from your server.  Clear the cache and cookies of your browser.  Whilst X5 is closed, delete the folders 'Preview' and 'Upload' within your WebSite X5 project folder, the path to which can be found in the 'Preferences' screen of X5 itself.  Restart X5 and hold the 'CTRL' key down whilst entering preview mode.  Then do a full export of your entire project to your server.  This procedure will purge any old files which may be causing problems.  If it doesn't work then I really think you should upgrade to PHP version 5.

Let us know how you get on.

Kind regards,


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Gepostet am von Paul M.
Hans B.
Hans B.

Have changed the PHP version from 4.4.7 to 5.2.

This realy makes the difference All features I have checked so far are working well. 

Thanks a lot for your support and patience. (I will have a relaxed weekend; thanks again)

Wish you the same & regards,


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Gepostet am von Hans B.