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Wee Min Chow
Wee Min Chow

How to create different header for different pages in the website  en

Author: Wee Min Chow
Visited 1174, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi, I used one of the available templates and created the homepage but for some subsequent pages, I hope to change the header & header background pictures but cannot figure out how to do it.  Can someone please advice if it is simple and straight-forward to do so?  thanks.

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Andre E
Andre E


Yes it do-able.... follow next steps.....

First of all you need the pictures for all the headers you want to use.

tip: give the pictures names so you can identify them easy to the correct page you want to use it for.

Add them in the header by use of the slideshow option.

After that you can set them to different pages, you do this by selecting the picture.

use then the effect button. select the page tab to add them to one or more different pages.

That should be it. the rest if finetuning....

If there are more question let me know !

BR André

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Posted on the from Andre E