Hide Header 
Author: Andrea F.
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I'm trying to hide the header (title) in all pages except for the home, but I can't find any options fot this.
Someone has an idea?
Thank you
Website X5 EVO 11
cleverbridge: 64223394
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If you want the header to be diffeent for specific pages on your website you need to this with pictures.
Create a picture of the text you want to use.
Set it as an slideshow in your header.
click on the imagfile below and select effect button, then goto page tab.
Select there on wich pages you want the Picture.
That's it
Thank you, but that's not what I'm trying to do. The header must appear only in the home page and not in the other website's pages.
I shall be a little bit more carefull with my answer.
What do you have in the header as information? Maybe it's easyer to not use a header in that case, and make a picture on top of your home page as header.
Edit the template, if you use an original one you need to copy it, then you can edit the copy. Delete the picture in this template and set the header to 0 height. You can then on the home page a picture on top or use the background option to place a picture there as header. (sitemap -> properties grafic tab)
Can you give me an example site, or tell me why, it's strange to not use headers on all pages execpt for one.
Other option:
Do you want to use the footer or also not ? (you can remove for every page you have the template information. (sitemap -> properties grafic tab)
Hope this helps to figure the best way out for you !