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Miroslav Š.
Miroslav Š.

Problem with resolution on diferent screen.  en

Author: Miroslav Š.
Visited 1584, Followers 3, Shared 0  

der websitex5 team,

I have a problem with different screen resolution on my websites. I have described my problem in the attached picture, because my english not good. I hope, everything will be well understood.

Thank you very much,

sincerely Miroslav Šuk

Posted on the
Andre E
Andre E

This is your browser that creates the screen, not X5. And X5 can't change this.

But why so big? it takes a lot of time, special on bad / slow connections (phones / pads).

Use 1366 screen on your gallery and it will both be good, but I suggest to use an even smaller screen then that.

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Posted on the from Andre E
Miroslav Š.
Miroslav Š.

I mean same like that phones and tablets will not be a problem, because the content of the page is only 960px wide. I need only absolutely simple thing. I need to stay the middle of the page in the middle of the screen. This simple thing must go change. Full HD web site is becoming the modern standard.

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Posted on the from Miroslav Š.
Andre E
Andre E

Thisresponsiveweb design,this is noteasyand currentlycannotbe made with X5.

Here is also a post about it :

However, you cancreate anIDEApost. give the website you metion as well in the Idea post

maybe Incomedia can take this into account in the development ofX5.

I think theyeventuallydo, butyoushouldat this pointmakesitessuch as thecurrent standard andmorethan 95% of thesitescurrentlyon the Internet.

But Iagree withyou, itseems tobethe future and if this is the case, they willhave to start developing this,just the timeit takes?no ideato be honest.....

BR André

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Posted on the from Andre E
Andre E
Andre E

He used jquery scripts.

I haven't made it yet, maybe I will try it and make a tuturial.... but I don't know how easy or complicated it is. It looks nice !!

If you want to know maybe google can help, you can check out the code he used by selecting in your browser the check out source code option. Every browser has this, look in the menu extra's or help and use an option like web developer -> then select view source code.

The menu differs for different browsers and version, but all have an option like that.

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Posted on the from Andre E