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Gary B.
Gary B.

Cannot upload - page stops at authentication  en

Author: Gary B.
Visited 2638, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Whenever I try to upload changes in v11 the page just stops at the 'authentication' stage. I have attached a screenshot to illustrate. I would appreciate any help in solving this. Thanks.

Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Gary,

Please check if the ftp data is correct and if the antivirus/firewall is blocking the connection from the program to your hosting space.

Try also to deactivate the passive FTP to check if this helps.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Gary B.
Gary B.

Hi Caludio

Thanks. I have checked the ftp details and they are correct and disabled my antivirus and firewall and still can't upload.

Not sure how I deactivate FTP in Firefox and it sounds as though it can't be done according to a quick google search.

I think I should mention I did a system restore and that made no difference either.

Could the program have corrupted?

Thanks again.

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Gary B.
Gary B.

..and it has worked ok for months until now.

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Gary,

Sorry to interrupt but the extra information you've given makes the problem sound like a server side issue.

To check if this is the case you could try to log on to your server using a free FTP client like FileZilla:

Just use the same FTP settings as you would use for WebSite X5.  If you are unable to log in with FileZilla then the issue is indeed a corrupt server configuration and you should consult your web host for advice on how to rectify.

FileZilla has helpful error messages which can help you track down the cause of unsuccessful login attempts.

Hope this is useful.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Gary B.
Gary B.

Thanks Paul. Tried that and I can connect but I get timed out soon after

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

If you go to Edit > Settings > Connection in FileZilla then you can adjust the delay before timeout (in seconds)  -  does the current timeout coincide with what you have set there?

If it does then that looks as if your FTP connection is OK, and the problem is indeed confined to WebSite X5.

If not, then I would have a quick word with your web host, Gary, as timeout shouldn't be causing problems like that.

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Gary B.
Gary B.

When I login I message saying it will auto time out after 15 minutes if I take no action, but it dumps me out after about 30 seconds. I have contacted my host service and hopefully they will be able to fix the problem.

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Gary B.
Gary B.

OK I have now even purchased a new domain and changed host just to test it isn't the program or my computer settings and the test domain uploaded fine. So I have moved my site over to the new host and still the same problem and it still won't connect on Filezilla but my test domain will. I am completely at a loss now. Can anyone please help or advise? It has been two weeks since I have lost control of my site and I urgently need it for my business

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Is this your web host for the site in question, Gary?

If so, then there are a couple of good articles on exactly how FTP should be set up to connect to their servers:***at-are-my-FTP-settings-***w-to-upload-files-using-FileZilla-FTP-and-FTPS

(NB: you will have to go here to access them:  -  search for 'FTP' in the Knowledgebase)

Having read them, and with reference to your screenshot in your original post, your FTP address doesn't look right to me...  try removing the letters 'ftp' from the address, thus:

instead of...

Of course, you may have a different web host, in which case this advice may not apply.

But you could also try setting the 'Simultaneous connections' in WebSite X5 to '3', or even as low as '1'

And please do try deactivating passive FTP like Claudio suggested.

Claudio D.
Try also to deactivate the passive FTP to check if this helps.

Note that this is done on the same 'Website Export to Internet' screen in WebSite X5...  it doesn't have anything to do with Firefox like you thought:

Gary B.
Not sure how I deactivate FTP in Firefox and it sounds as though it can't be done according to a quick google search.

I know it sounds unlikely, but it does look very much as if the FTP credentials you are using are no longer correct...  I realise that you could once connect without issue, but I feel quietly confident that some setting has been changed or altered somewhere along the line.

This is especially true now that you know you can upload a test project to your new host without any problem.

We will get there with this...  we will help you as much as we can...  hang in there!

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Gary B.
Gary B.

Thanks Paul, I have just transferred my hosting to and I am still having the same problem with new ftp details. They gave me a proxy username and it uploaded fine with the rest of my personal ftp details. I am getting really fed up with this now, as I'm sure you can understand I would appreciate any help you can offer.

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Gary B.
Gary B.

..and I realised that passive FTP control was on the x5 ftp page and tried disabling it, but that didn't work either

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Gary B.
They gave me a proxy username...

Can you expand on that Gary?  What do you mean by a 'proxy username'?

Can you also please post a screenshot of your FTP details in Step 5 of WebSite X5, as they are currently.

Also, can you confirm whether or not anything has changed recently in your local network?  Have you added or replaced any routers, firewalls, switches?  Are you attempting to connect from a home environment, or are you in an office?

And have you changed anti-virus and/or firewall software in your PC recently, or even moved to a new operating system?

Any recent hardware/software changes at all, please let us know...

Many thanks!


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Gary B.
Gary B.

I think we have solved it. The people at tried to use the ftp which they then asked me to do and when I did I got past the authentication to then get a firewall message saying it was blocking x5 which I had never seen before

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Posted on the from Gary B.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Ah, the usual suspects... 

Great stuff, Gary... glad it's working for you... I love a happy ending.

All the best,


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Posted on the from Paul M.