Dont work Mobile template - iPhone etc. 
Author: Aivars AbcHello!
Please tell me why X5 dont work mobile template for iPhone etc? Browser show not coretly - need scrolling left or right .... its no normaly ..
I read this:
" You don't have to duplicate your website to create a mobile version. WebSite X5 automatically adapts the site to the device it is being viewed on, guaranteeing correct display and working, including the online store and buttons and boxes for social apps. "
But, I tested my site and test show its not mobile version ... what is problem??
Test iPhone simulator:
I tested X5 site to the this iPhone simulator and X5 not mobile version ... why?..
Please tell me resolve my problem, me need browser version and all mobile version(iPhone etc). For mobile version navigation buttons and text need embedded in phone screen, dont be scrolling to the right to the left...
I now have to buy a special mobile design - advertisement is not correct for the X5 profesional?
Please help me resolved this problem, I am very indignant ...
Hello Aivars, always check forums, blogs and reviews several times before purchasing software. And do the trail version if possible. I agree the web page could be misleading, let's take another look.
From the linked page:
"Just being on the Internet isn't enough anymore: now your website needs to be accessible and navigable on mobile devices such as smartphones and tablets. Don't worry, WebSite X5 takes care of everything! Your websites will work just as well on mobile devices as they do on computers, and they support Touch technology.
You don't have to duplicate your website to create a mobile version. WebSite X5 automatically adapts the site to the device it is being viewed on, guaranteeing correct display and working, including the online store and buttons and boxes for social apps.
Pressing tiny buttons on smartphones and tablets to browse through galleries isn't always very easy: it's much better to be able to just touch a picture and enlarge with your fingers. WebSite X5 provides complete Touch technology support, so mobile visitors can zoom in and move pictures, flick through a photo gallery or start a video with their fingertips."
No where does it really say a mobile, responsive or fluid website, only that it will fit and function on any device, which it does quite well by the way. Look at the screen shots of the two moniters, tablets and smart phone. All the same, just scaled down to fit the device. If you follow the suggested guidelines for page width and layout your site will do the same.
If you want to have "mobile" pages then you will have to make a template at 320, 480, 620 or use a mobile template.
What they don't tell you is you can only have one template per project/website. So if you want mobile pages within in your "normal" site you must create a sub-site or sub-domain.
Sorry you didn't see this before you purchased. Had you checked the forum you would have found many, many posts about mobile and responsive websites and X5.
Except for V11 being released to early, Evo and Pro are excellent for the casual web designer with a lot of great features. And you have at least 2 or 3 options in regards to pages being viewed on phones and tablets using X5 as your base HTML/CSS generator.
You could use X5 or another program to create condensed mobile/tablet pages that are long and you just scroll. (Forget all the buttons and mouse over junk.) You could try a 2 column site that looks "ok" on any device. Need to be creative here, look around and try a few things.
Making a responsive website with breakpoints or using containers and moving everything around and hiding objects at every breakpoint is a lot of work. Easier said than done for the casual user that wants to post a website in short time. Not to mention if you have a site like Nigel W. (A testimony to X5 handling a very large site and loading in a short time.)
Think about what kind of website that will best fit your needs. There is no cut and dried method or approved way in relation to websites and how they show on a device. Do some research, check other forums. The choice is yours and or the customer you may be serving. Also with some skill and experience you may be able to show your customer that your type of layout looks good.
No one program is going to give you everything. Consider that X5 has the most built in features, a bullet proof page layout and ease of use. And the couple of programs that do almost have everything are very complicated and or require 14 different add-ons that X5 has built in.
Kind Regards - Donald
Hello Donald!
I understand coretly?
1step - I make template for computer browser and all project files upload to the server in www.domain.
2step - I make other template (project 2) for mobile telephone, other design, other buttons etc. for above 320x480 and upload to the server subdomain www.m.domain.
3step - Me need add automatic script for sistem automatic redirect my website client domain or m.domain site.
I understand coretly?
Ok, me ir idea - X5 need add this funkcional, adding redirecting code generation (
Ok A-C, you'er missing the boat here!
You have asked a few times about this (mobile) and there has been several posts answering your questions. You need to slow down, back up, do some review, research and study. You can start by going over your previous posts and my post above.
Here are a couple of suggestions not in any order:
Make a simple single page website and see how it tests on phone, tablet and desktop sizes. Try several widths between 480 and 1280. When you have a live page you're satisfied with, check on a real device or ask someone here to.
You need to understand what X5 is capable of and how it functions in relation to different devices and screens. A lot of posts here on the forum have explained this, including yours. I know there are several in english, do some digging and tranlate them.
Do some research and study on mobile, responsive, adaptive and fluid web design.
You do not have to have a seperate website for mobile, this is a personal choice. In many cases a "happy medium" can be found by keeping your page layout to two columns, using larger text and buttons.
You do not have to have a redirect for mobile. You can have a link on your mobile site to desktop and a link on the desktop/full site to the mobile site. Or a welcome page to choose "full site" or "mobile".
You do not have to use a mobile template to create a mobile site, though it may be easier to start with one.
If you're going to have a seperate mobile site, you do not have to use X5, it's your choice. (X5 only allows one template per project/site so you will have to use a sub-site or different domain anyway.)
Remember, an X5 page is going to fit across a phone as stated. You don't have to do anything special! If it does not, you're doing something wrong.
Don't restrict yourself by thinking there is only one way. You have several choices!
You just have to start, try some things and do a little research and study. Other forums, blogs and informational websites are all saying the same basic thing. That being, there is no set path or way, and anything goes.
Kind Regards and Happy Web Designing!
(For those of you who have not been to google translate, heres the link.)
Hi Donald!
Ok, thank you, very wellexplained, I understand.