Responsive website 
Author: S Thielsch
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I noticed that lots of Website X5 users are asking for a responsive website.
I do not see a (recent) anwer by Incomedia (last updated answer was December 2013!)
I would like to urge for the possibility of a responsive site. I am a Evolution 11 user and willing to pay for a site that is responsive on mobile diveces.
Incomedia, can you update us?
Kind regards
S. Thielsch
Posted on the
Hello S Thielsch,
All the requests made, also in the past, are still kept in consideration for the future releases of the program. Unfortunately I cannot tell if and when a specific function will be added but as soon as it will be present in the program it will be notified trough our official channels like as example the changelog on
Many thanks!
Wenn es mal kommen sollte, hoffe ich das es wählbar ist ob fix oder responsive, da die saubere Darstellung in Seiten mit variablen Breiten oft sehr schlecht zu erhalten ist.
Wir haben früher damit gearbeitet und es war sehr aufwändig, eine angemessene Darstellung zu erreichen.
Been waiting for a responsive website update for years, they always release new programs but never good updates.