Uploading amended Word docs/pdfs 
Author: Anne V.http://www.iwhealthgroup.co.uk/forms.html
On this website documents for download often need to be updated. With my previous web-building program, I would upload the amended Word doc/pdf to the host server by ftp, where it would overwrite the out-dated version. All links to that doc would connect to the new version. Job done.
This doesn't seem to work with Incomedia, neither does exporting the files modified since the last upload (the Incomedia files haven't actually been modified, just the local file on my PC).
I have to reset the links to the amended docs (even though the doc name hasn't been changed) and upload all the website files every time there's a minor change to a document. It seems unnecessarily time consuming, and it means I have to locate and reset every link to the amended doc instead of simply overwriting the doc itself.
Is there a quicker way, please?
the best way to export your document is within the progaram and not seperated files.
add a html object to any page you would like to, set the height to 1, go to expert tab and add your files over there and choose the folder name you wish to keep these documents, so next time when you have amended file, simply remove the old one from that tab and add the new one, keep the same name so during the upload it will over write the old file.
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Thank you for the prompt and clear response, Anthony. I followed your instructions carefully and would love to say that it worked, but sadly it didn't.
To test it, I amended the Word doc Standing-order by adding two asterisks to the header. I deleted the old file from the expert tab in the html code, added the new one and exported to the server again. But when you download the file from the site (http://www.iwhealthgroup.co.uk/forms.html - last Word doc on the list) the name appears as Standing-order_ruo6239t.docx and it is the old version of the document with no asterisks in the header zone.
Is there anything else I should do?
Hello Anne,
You can also proceed to upload the files manually with an external ftp client online on a folder like as example documents. Then in the program remove the linked files in the object and add the link to the files you manually uploaded online.
In this way since you need to update them often you can do this by just uploading the files online with an external ftp client. You just need to use the same name for the files.
Many thanks!
Thanks, Claudio, but this is what I've been doing but it doesn't work becuase Incomedia changes the name of the document. For instance, the document Standing-order.docx appears as Standing-order_ruo6239t.docx when downloaded. Why?
Ann, I think I found what your are doing wrong.
when you attaching your doc, make sure there is no space between the name of the docs.
for example when you adding the last document make sure the name of your file is not "Standing order" and change it to "Standing-order", then link it to your text, or image , or etc
program will not change the name if there is no space between the words ;)
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Following your suggestion, I did successfully upload an amended document via ftp but . . .
. . . to be sure the problem didn't happen again, I then renamed all my Word docs and pdfs, replacing the spaces with hypens, and re-set the relevant links. I deleted all the old docs and pdfs from the 'files' folder on the server and exported the whole site.
But as you can see from the attached screenshot, the program is still creating 'extra' versions (sometimes two per document) even when the file names contain no spaces.
the last file that we used as example looks fine to me, no extra number and words to it. make sure there is nothing link to your old file, a single link somewhere in your website can pull back the old file(s). after updating everything, do Ctrl+preview to refresh your entire website, then export it to disk (inside your hard drive) then go and explor the folder to see if there is anything extra exist, if not, remove everything inside your host, and upload your entire website again.
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I have done what you suggested, Anthony, and it's almost solved the problem but there are still three files for which the program has generated duplicate versions with extended names.
The doc file (see screenshot) is one that I removed the spaces from the name, but I have reset all the links to it; the two pdfs never had spaces in their names but the program insists on creating another version. Why?
Hello Anne,
Ifyou do not add at all the pdf and doc files in the program but you upload them manually with another ftp client thenameswill notbechanged since the program does this only if more times a file with the same name has been added.
IF the files are no longer handled by WebSite X5 then this will not happen and you add in the program only the link to the online file you uploaded.
In this way you can update the files easily.
Avoid blank spaces in the names since this can cause issues.
Many thanks!