Internal Page Tabs - Last 4 of 8 tabs are blank
Author: John L.
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Using Website X5 Pro 11 I have created internal page tabs. I have used these tabs successfully throughout my website.
However today I have created a new page and the first 4 tabs show all the content I have entered but the following 4 are all blank not showing the information I have created.
Has anyone else encountered such a problem? Is there a bug in the system with tabs?
I have tried to recreate the page again several times from scratch but the problem still persists.
I'd be grateful if anyone could help?
Posted on the
Is it online? try to refresh with CTRL-F5, if this does not help try a full upload.
Is it in preview, try preview with ctrl pressed.
Let me know how it works out.
Yes it is online. I tried all your tips but to no avail.
I can't acces it because you set it as locked.
If I understand correctly it is in preview good and online not ? Or is it in preview also bad?
It doesn't work in preview either.
Hello John and Andre,
I don't knowif theproblemis identical to whatwe sawon the forumin French?I point it to you for all purposes, butI have notchecked the operationsince the lastupdate (you have some answers in english ;o))
@+, J.P.
Hi Jiper 85
I have experienced a similar problem when deleting tabs. I have learned to move the tab I wish to remove to the very end before I delete it and the problem has not reoccurred since.
The problem I am experiencing at the moment is very strange... The first 4 tabs all show as normal but the last 4 tabs that are full of text and images will not show on preview or when I publish the site. This is doubley strange as I have many other pages on my site with tabs that show all the tabs correctly??
Regards John L
OMG! Panic over it all works now. I don't know why but it does. I just put in some new text into the tabs and it works. Totally baffled!
Strange, but solved.
I think somehow somewhere a 'bit' was set wrongly ....