Trouble working with database viewer 
Author: Jose Juan P.
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I encounterthe following errorswiththe objectdatabase viewer:
-I cannot deletea record
-I cannot edita record
I triedbothPHP5.5and5.6
I do not havemuch experience withMySQL, so do notknow if it'sa bug inDatabasevieweror thedefinition ofMyQSL
thank you very much
Posted on the
. . . its called database VIEWER (not database EDITOR) - so you only can view i think . . .
Thank you very muchfor your reply.
NothierIthink it is betterinformed beforereview.The toolalso bringsthe option todelete recordsand edit them.In my caseit did not workbecause there was noprimary keydefinedinthe database.I've alreadysolved.
HoweverI believe thatbefore introducinga new tool, butifpaymentshould includea small manual,requirements(PHP5.5,for example)