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Marta R.
Marta R.

Blog Emails from Incomedia X5 arrive with broken links and no pictures  en

Author: Marta R.
Visited 1750, Followers 3, Shared 0  

My website is

The problem is with emails from my blog:

I have setup two programs for my followers to subscribe to my blog via email, first I tried Feedburner, and when the emails arrived incomplete, after months of trying to find a fix, I installed MailChimp, thinking that the problem was with Feedburner.

However, I encountered exactly the same problem, as follows:  Emails containing the entire blog arrive OK, but they are missing the pictures, displaying empty boxes with a missing photo tiny icon on a corner, and the links to my blog from the email are broken.

All my friends use both these programs and we receive the emails with all the photos and correct links.

Therefore, the problem must be with Incomedia X5.

Feedburner has no support any longer, but I spent hours with a Live Chat support member on MailChimp and he could not find the reason, the setup within their server is correct, as it is within Feedburner.

I have posted a photo of the email below.  It shows the boxes where the images should be.  Both links, the one on the Blog Title and the one at the bottom of the email (not seen on this photo) back to the blog, are broken.

Can someone help me?  

Thank you!


Posted on the
Marta R.
Marta R.

No reply from Incomedia Support yet.

My Web Designer suggested that perhaps the HTML protection on my photos could be preventing them from appearing on my blog emails.

I also found this on the forum:  "2. Image Protection: X5 has Image Protection. But when enabled, it not only disables all mouse over effects but also all Hyperlinks! "

I unticked the HTML protection and did a new test blog.

However, there are still NO photos and Broken Links on blog emails.

I wish Incomedia Support would reply to this!!

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Posted on the from Marta R.
Pcssa .
Pcssa .

. . . did you check the mail program out of x5 as well ? If you are using the free MailChimp there is a banner on bottom which very often is blocking mail for "SPAM" purposes by the provider . . .

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Posted on the from Pcssa .
Marta R.
Marta R.

I'm not sure what you mean about checking it outside x5, but all my friends use Feedburner or mailchimp with no problems. However all the software people I've asked tell me that most of those programs are designed for common blogs like Blogger, etc, and that the problem has to be with Incomedia because it happens both in Feedburner and MailChimp.

But, mainly, I gather from your question that you are suggesting that the emails are blocked as SPAM, which is not the case, the emails arrive with all the written content, format, etc, but where the photos should be there is an empty square, and the links are broken.

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Posted on the from Marta R.
Marta R.
Marta R.

The MailChimp Live Help Expert has never seen this problem ocurring to any user.

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Posted on the from Marta R.
Claudio D.

Hello Marta,

In the program the images used in the blog uses a relative path and not an absolute path so probably this is the issue you experience with the newsletter program.

You probably need to create the emails you send directly in the newsletter program so it will work on these emails.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Marta R.
Marta R.

Hi Claudio,

Thank you for your reply.  My reason for my late reply is that I was waiting for my website designer to help me with this issue, as it is beyong my knowledge.

However, she just told me to make the changes, but this is what I need help with.

Can you please tell me where and how to fix this issue with the images, examples below:

"None of the links for images are correct in the feed - which is why images wouldn’t work in MailChimp.

For example, for the “Devotion” page, one of the images in the feed is:

However, the actual URL is

I don’t know the system that you’re using so can’t really help beyond that.

However whatever it is that is generating the feed is not using the correct URL to the image.

So speak with the developers of the software to query why, and if they can’t answer, perhaps absolute URLs would resolve the issue.

Currently in your blog post, you have the URL as:


This is a relative URL - that is, relative to the page it’s on.

An absolute URL looks like the ones used above.

The feed generator may have more luck with image URLs that are absolute."

Claudio, I do understand what this means, wrong paths and links, but where on earth do I fix this within Incomedia?

Thank you and kind regards,


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Posted on the from Marta R.
Claudio D.

Hello Marta,

Thank you for the informations. I verified the site again and found the cause of the issue. In step 1 URL of the website you entered: but you need to enter only

Without index.html since the program generates all the links based on what you enter on the URL field.

Once you removed /index.html from step 1 ULR of the website press CTRL while you open the preview and then export the complete project again online.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
Marta R.
Marta R.

Hello Claudio!!!

OMG!!!!!  THANK YOU!!!!!!!

Oh gosh, I've had this problem for over a year!  I have asked every man and his dog!  I read every Feedburner forum everywhere, posts here, and posted different questions as you have seen.

After umpteen replies, this last one from you was the only one that told me what the problem was, even my website designer who introduced me to this software and created the URL on my site had no idea that it could be that.

And after changing from Feedburner to MailChimp I finally got loads of help from them, so dedicated, but they could not see this error on my website to help me, as it wasn't their software and they had no access to my project.

Claudio, I don't know how to thank you, this is is so incredible for me after such a long time, I do hope you can give feedback to other Incomedia support staff, as you were the only one who looked further into this and discovered this error, which seems so simple but I could never have known about, and I kept getting different replies that were no help at all until you got involved.

Again, thank you, you're a lifesaver! I hope you get a Star for this!!!

Have a wonderful day!


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Posted on the from Marta R.