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Peter A.
Peter A.

How to CleanUp a duplicate-project ?  en

Author: Peter A.
Visited 1773, Followers 3, Shared 0  

After I duplicated an existing project there remain many files exist from the original project. How can these files be removed from that duplicate-project ? Is there an special CleanUp method ?


Nadat ikgedupliceerdeen bestaand projectblijven erveel bestandenbestaanuithet oorspronkelijke project.Hoe kunnen dezebestanden van dat gekopieerde projectworden verwijderd?Is er eenspecialeCleanUpmethode ?


Dopo averduplicatoun progetto esistenterimaneremolti fileconsistonodel progetto originario.Come possono questifile copiatidal progettoda rimuovere?Esiste un metodospecialedi pulitura ?


Posted on the
Claudio D.

Hello Peter,

The best solution is to open every object and then use the rightclick function to remove the files like explained also here:

In this way the files will no longer be part of this project. Once done then remove the object from the page.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.