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Melanie N.
Melanie N.

Shipping costs not calculating correctly  en

Author: Melanie N.
Visited 863, Followers 2, Shared 0  

Hi! I am having a problem with the shopping cart not calculating shipping costs correctly based on weight. I am using version 11, and the shopping cart was working perfectly until I made some website edits a few days ago. Instead of calculating increasing costs for more items being shipped, it uses the same value for every order. All items that are shipped have a weight associated with them in the product settings, and I have a table of costs associated with each of 3 different shipping methods: media mail, priority, and international under order management. The website is Any help is appreciated.

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Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Melanie,

What were the 'website edits' that you made a few days ago?  It is very likely that they hold the key to the solution.

Can you double-check that every item in your Product List has a weight associated with it in its Product Settings (Step 4 Advanced Settings > Shopping Cart > Product List

Can you then please navigate to the Order Management tab of the same section within WebSite X5 (as illustrated in the attached screenshot) and ensure that for each Shipping Type the radio button for 'Cost related to Total Weight' is selected...  it sounds like this may accidentally be set to 'Fixed Cost'

If that part is OK then the final step is to make sure that additional costs are specified for increasing weights, as shown in the screenshot.

Let us know how you get on.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Melanie N.
Melanie N.


Thank you for your response. I updated the site to version 11 from 10, as well as edited the details of several products and added a new page to the site. The new page also uses the shopping cart--could that be part of the problem? I edited the weights on a few of the products, but they all have proper weights now. I've checked and double checked that the cost related to total weight is selected, and the additional costs are clearly specified. I've attached the screenshot here. Please let me know if you have any other suggestions.

Thanks again,


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Posted on the from Melanie N.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello again Melanie,

This certainly is a bit of a puzzle.  I can't see that you've done anything 'wrong' as such, and would expect the cart to calculate the correct shipping costs based on the information given.

Just a couple of further thoughts for the time being...

Melanie N.
I edited the weights on a few of the products, but they all have proper weights now.

Can you expand on that?  What were the original weight 'values' and what did you change them to?

The other thing which might be a factor is a possible bug when upgrading a v10 project to v11.  However, it's not likely, especially as v11 has been in use for quite a while now.  Nonetheless I will ask Incomedia to look at this issue for you, and offer their opinion.

Please keep us posted if necessary, and monitor this thread for a response from Incomedia in due course.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Claudio D.

Hello Melanie,

Try to remove <= 0.25 and then please test it in the preview to see if then the shipping costs are calculated correctly. If then it works then the developers are already informed about the issue and it will be fixed with the new release.

At the moment the weights in the shippingcosts needs to be integer to work correctly. There is also an update in the beta channel which can be tested after subscribing on where the issue has been solved.

In case you want try the beta channel make a copy of the project and test the copy to see if then the costs are calculated correctly.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.