WebSite X5Help Center

Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Duncan,

Unfortunately this is not possible at the moment with WebSite X5 without reverting to custom code.

Unless in a very basic way you set up a password protected page with a download link on that page, and you email the customer the password following payment.  However, that method is quite crude and not particularly secure.

Please feel free to open an 'Idea' post to request that the developers consider including electronic downloads as an option in future updates to the software.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Nicolae T.
Nicolae T.


I think you should just create a User group and only the one who pay you are able to acces certain info on the webpage, and there have the downloads.

You will have to add him manualy to the group but i guess not big deal anyway.

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Posted on the from Nicolae T.
F H.
F H.


You can generate a paypal button (at With this button you can assign a php web page that paypal redirect to after a correct purchase. On this page you have to verify with paypal that the purchase is OK, and then your customer can download your product.

I hope this solution will help.

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Posted on the from F H.