Menu Text in X5 12 DOES NOT WRAP AROUND 
Author: Akram Najjar
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I just upgraded to X5 v12. I had long menu names before which conveniently wrapped around to show me the text in two lines. (See attached images of both versions).
Now, in v12, this is not possible.
Can you help?
(I noticed you removed some check boxes: enable scrolling. Is that the reason?)
Posted on the
Hello Akram,
In version 12 the menu scrolling option has moved to Step 1 General Settings > Template Style > Main Template Structure > Page Section (drop-down menu) > Menu > 'Keep always visible'
Please see the screenshot attached.
Kind regards,
Thanks Paul.
I tried both settings: keep and not keep visible. The menu text still does not wrap around.
Am I missing something?
Can you explain what "keep always visible"?
If you set the option 'Keep always visible' then the menu will never disappear, even if scrolling downwards through a long page. In normal circumstances the header and menu would disappear out of sight, which would make navigation awkward.
As regards the wrap around issue I'm afraid I don't have an answer to that, and I apologise for I should have made that clear beforehand. In my earlier post I just wanted to point out the new location for the menu scrolling option.
Another WebSite X5 user has also reported the text issue ( so hopefully Incomedia will comment soon.
Thanks Paul, again.
I do hope wrapping can be solved as most menu names I have consist of 2 or 3 words (Cine Club, Monday Talks, Music Club, etc.)
And a dutch version here:
And a German one:
(I closed
I have the same problem, basically means that i cant have a full menu, the names are too long, i am hoping that this can be addressed with a upate soon as i am keen to upload.
I have the same problem too!!!
For now everything works exellent, exept this one thing.
There is no wrap tekst in menu, horizontal. I tried everything!!!
there is screenshot of the problem of the wraping tekst in horizontal menu tabs
Attention: INCOMEDIA
Friends, please address this issue. v12 is not backwards compatible and for no reason. There is no visible workaround so we need the earlier facility of wrapping the text in menus.
Thanks a lot
I have the same problem. I just upgraded to V12 and now my horizontal navigation bar will only place text on one line, whereas before it would wrap to 2 lines.
The reason for this is that I noticed in the old version "Advanced Settings - Main Menu Style" there is a Text function called "Display" with a drop down menu which has 3 options: 1 "Normal Text", 2 "Text as Image" and 3 "Text as Image with Antialias".
Version 12 doesn't have this "Display" function with the 3 options.
If I choose option 1 "Normal Text" the text doesn't wrap to 2 lines, but if I select either options 2 or 3 then it will wrap.
I'm guessing Version 12 is set to option 1 automatically (with no option to change it) and thus not allowing the text to wrap.
I hope we can have a fix for this as I am having to somehow think of shorter titles on the top navigation bar's main menu.
Whilst waiting for Incomedia to respond (remember their office hours don't extend over the weekend) I would like to draw everyone's attention to the following extract from the v12 project conversion guide:
In the previous versions, you could choose to use either graphics or text for the navigation menu items, depending on what you thought was best. These options have been removed from version 12 because web font integration makes graphic elements superfluous. Keeping the menu buttons with text labels has a number of advantages: the text can be translated, if you use tools such as Google Translate to read the pages, and search engines can interpret them better than images.
You can read the complete document, here:
I agree Paul, still, if the text is too long for the menu it always changed automaticly to view over 2 lines instead of 1. It is still text, but it does not create a second line anymore in the menu.
There is a mouse over with a bit smaller text but still also there longer text disappears.
Greetings guys ... Today bought Professional 12 and begin to test. I will contact you and inform then results. Thank for the given error.
Same problem! Why are there always bugs on an upgrade?
Do you know...the response time from Incomedia for this vital problem is unbelievable?!!!
Are they sticking to their two day response when many of us have a crisis caused by their wonky update?
Should have been addressed first thing today.
This inane practice is insufferable!!!
Yes, indeed, they should answer and give an update asap!!!!
This is frustrating and irresponsible from their side!!! It takes extremelly too much time!!!!
Good day,
In version 12 the option to set buttons as images as been removed for the following reasons:
-Search engine optimization (Google prefers text based menus);
- Thanks to Webfonts it is no longer necessary to use images to get a nice text result.
As of now the only solution is to increase the button size.
In the meantime, the developers are being informed in order for them to check what can be done about this issue.
Hope I've been helpful
Sorry, but it is not helpful for us. For now this upgrade to 12 is unuseful for me, and i think for many people who bought this!!!
I need to have long names in the buttons of menu, & I can't increase button size!!
The developers should handle this case asap!!!! It's a very a big bug in the program!!!!
I entirely agree.
If you want facts, I lost revenue of £14/£15 before I was aware of the problem because my main menu items had become truncated. At first I just thought it was MY problem until other people told me there was a problem on my site.
As Katarzyna says, this problem should be worked on by the developers with urgency.
Again, as has been mentioned so many times in the past, the developers do not give enough time for volunteers to test the programme out. Within THREE days of putting v12 out to test, Incomedia had released it to the public!
These old archaic practices have been going on through many previous versions and Incomedia just don't seem to want to admit their work ethic and customer service is diabolical
Conclusion: v12 does not suppert 2-lines техt in menu. This creates considerable inconvenience for site owners. We need to reduce the number of main menu items for the doubtful benefits.
I solved this problem very simply: removed v12 a continued working in v11
Yes, I came back to v11 too. And I lost my money!!
But it is not a solution, We've bought it there are many new features, such as. responsively page!!! I understand that these new features can not work too well, but corrupt things what works good ?!
As Nigel said, there was too little time for tests!!! This is not professional and responsible action !!!
You are entitled to a refund of your money now by consumer law, especially as v12 is "not fit for purpose" and Incomedia states that the transition from v11 to v12 should not be problematical.
However, the problem will be resolved and the upgrade price has not been excessive.
Yes, I know, I'll wait for an update. This version has many additional interresting options, that's wy I bought it. I think they should back the either graphics or text for the navigation menu items, and if it will work properly, they shuld change it. It's quite simple
Nice day for all
It seems clear that an update is needed asap. This is not acceptable, as much as the responsiveness is a welcome change the menu problem needs addressing and soon!
To be blunt this is costing me money.
I feel your frustration but, technically speaking, this is not really a "bug" in the program. It is a deliberate design change to enhance your site's organic search results.
Google's spiders (bots) crawl the Web constantly reading and indexing websites based upon the text they encounter, which includes the navbar (menu) text. They cannot read images. For anyone who cares about organic search results--which should be most people--the change in v12 is actually an improvement, not a bug.
Most people long enviously to come up on the first page of a Google search, and some people pay a lot of money to SEO consultants to get on that prized spot. Is it really too much to modify your menu text in exchange for better search engine ranking?
What about breaking up your menu text and using cascading or accordion menus? That may not work for everybody but it might work for some people.
How you define what has transpired is merely a matter of semantics! We were not informed of the results of this change.
Yes! It really IS too much to modify my menu. The items are not bullet points but phrases that add depth and meaning to the visitor's choice.
Apart from tell ME how I add "Hampstead & Highgate" to my button? They are two separate villages with a common "start page"
I await the developers' patch!
Thank you
I think, John L. doesn't understand the problem! We now it it is good for Google serch to have the names in menu in the tekst.
But how to fit on one line of the menu many complex names?! Sometimes it is impossibile!
Just how I've written earlier, they should go back this 3 options of the tekst for now. If it will work in tekst it cold be back!
Now Incomedia destroyed one of the important functions of the program!
Hello to everyone.
I sincerely apologize for the issues this change brought along.
As I stated earlier, the issue is right now under analysis by the developers.
As soon as there's news about this particular problem, you will be notified asap.
Thankyou for your patience and have a nice day
Thanks Stefano.
I have a slight problem with resizing the text. The change doesn't always show up in the PREVIEW. What I find is that if one opens a PREVIEW window and makes an edit, the PREVIEW doesn't always change. In V11, leaving the PREVIEW window open and making an "edit", then "saving" always caused the PREVIEW window to go on top and reajust.
This is not causing me sleepless nights but I am wondering if it is a phenomena that you ought to know about.
Are the Preferences set as you would like them, Nigel? (see screenshot attached)
The checkbox I've circled (if ticked) will update the preview dynamically exactly as you describe... at least it does in the Professional version.
Kind regards,
Hi Paul...
The two ticked items are the other way round in the ordinary v12.
ask for the money back. then developers to quickly figure out how to treat customers
Friends: google bots do not care if a text is wrapped or not. So this is not an argument.
In the meantime, I have a few sites awaiting the promised improvements in X5 v12 and I cannot use them.
Please do something about it.
This isn't half taking time for the developers to create the update!
How weird was that? Just placed the above comment and the update mysteriously!
Now everything works!!! Excellent!! Thank's
Hi everyone.
The new update has just been released. Please download and install it and check that everything is now working correctly for you.
I thank you once again for your patience as we try and make your experience with WebSite the best we can!
Have a nice day