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William T.
William T.

"Project Analysis"  en

Author: William T.
Visited 1731, Followers 2, Shared 0  

I see that version 12 has a "project analysis" screen.. the problem is I don't know how to use it and can't see anything by searching help.  Please advise.

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William T.
William T.

Thanks.. It seems that help is 1000 times faster than before.. thanks!!

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

I must be blind but I don't see a "start" button

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Posted on the from William T.
Paul M.
Paul M.

The 'Start' button is located in the top right hand corner of the Project Analysis screen (see the screenshot attached)

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Posted on the from Paul M.
William T.
William T.

Got it.. IMO  that start button is what I think of for getting started with the web design.. perhaps you should also put a "analyaize" button in the column just above the graph..  Thanks though..  really appreciate the helpful and PROMPT response.

Anohter fyi.. Before you release ver 12 with the responsive stuff, I bought another software called "xara"... it sucked and you guys have a much better product on your first release of this repsonsive stuff.. If you want me to write up a testimonial I will be glad to.

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

Another question on analysis.. after I fix problems (or delete a page that has a problem) how to I "clear" the page so it has no errors to run the analysis again. 

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Posted on the from William T.
Paul M.
Paul M.

Lovely comments, William...  I'm sure Incomedia will be delighted to hear your feedback!

One of the downsides of help forums is that by their very nature most people engaging with them are struggling with certain problems and issues.  Understandably this can cause frustration, but sadly it sometimes turns into an excuse to vent and rail against the very people who are trying to assist.  WebSite X5 has its share of negative comments in this way, so it's thoroughly refreshing to read such a positive review.

As a programmer myself I am aware of the hours of very tiring work involved in writing thousands of lines of code.  A small minority take what WebSite X5 can do for granted.  It is a very clever, powerful and well-thought out piece of software which saves hours of time and produces astonishing results, especially given the sheer ease of use.

And it continues to get better and better.  I join with you in taking my hat off to the developers.  Like you say, this is their first responsive edition, and a credit to them.  There were many who believed the company wasn't listening...  when all along they were quietly working in the background, getting on with the daunting task of writing an enormous codebase...  just so that guys like you and I can appear to be website wizards  

Thanks again for your comments...  I really enjoyed reading them...  well done!

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.
William T.
Another question on analysis.. after I fix problems (or delete a page that has a problem) how to I "clear" the page so it has no errors to run the analysis again.

You just need to run the analysis again...  as per this extract from the help file:

After you have made the suggested changes, you must update the analysis results by clicking on the Start a second time.

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Posted on the from Paul M.
William T.
William T.

Thanks.. Just so I get your input on an unrelated matter.. (only posting here so you asnwer it an not someone else...

Do you have any idea why they don't have a "spell check"?  I am no programmer but it would seem this would be quite easy as you see it in most every software of every type.  I also know many people have asked about this.  I don't want to put a "downer" on the hype I just gave but I think this is a fair question.. especially since I am such a bad speller and rely on this feature so much.

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

Another question on the project analysis.. when I go to check the "possible errors.."

I corrected the " ... keywords on page and ... descrition for page.. but I can't seem to fix the "The page layout has been changed so check the responsive settings".. I went to that section on the page but I don't see anything wrong there and it looks good on a mobile device.

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Posted on the from William T.
Paul M.
Paul M.

In all honesty I don't know, William.  You're right that it is a feature which has been requested many times.  I can't really speculate as an outsider...  I don't have any knowledge of the building blocks which make up the internals of WebSite X5.  What seems a fairly small thing to you and I could involve major rewrites of portions of code depending on how certain functions have been implemented.

What I will say is that I really do sincerely and honestly believe that Incomedia listen to their customers.  Their dilemma, if you can call it that, is that they are bombarded on all sides for new features and additions to the program, and of course as is human nature we all think that our own requests are the most important (myself included).  If you browse the 'Idea' posts you will see that the proposed feature list is enormous.

However, the purse is only so big and like any other company they will have to allocate time, money, resources, programmers on what they see as the priorities at any given moment: which will please some and naturally disappoint others.

I think the fact that version 12 is now here with responsive design illustrates my point.  The spell check function has been asked for a lot, but the demand for responsive functionality was enormous...  you might even say it had become overwhelming.

Version 12 also brought in full stock control, and that was something which I had personally requested quite a while back.  I'm not saying that was the reason why it was added(!) as I know others wanted it too, but it does show that the users' comments are noted.

With that in mind I would encourage you to open another 'Idea' post for the spell check feature.  I'm quietly confident that priority and attention will be given to those with enthusiasm and volume behind their requests.

Hopefully we'll see it in version 13!  

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Posted on the from Paul M.
Paul M.
Paul M.
William T.
...but I can't seem to fix the "The page layout has been changed so check the responsive settings"

Don't worry overly much about that message...  it's just a warning that there might be something you need to change...  it's a reminder as it were, not necessarily a guarantee that something is actually wrong.

You'll see that same message in other sections of version 12 as you work more with the software.

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Posted on the from Paul M.
William T.
William T.

 Never mind on the question about errors.. I found out that if I just click the responsive button and then press ok the message goes away.
I did find something interesting though.. If I embed a pdf as an Iframe it does not display the pdf on the web page on a mobile device... but if I make it a "google viewer" the pdf then is displayed correctly... don't know if this is a iframe issue or something in website x5 but I thought someone would want to knonw.I still would like your insite on the spell checker..

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

oops.. nevermind on spell check.. see you answered it already!..

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

"Hopefully we'll see it in version 13!  "

let's hope it is in verson 12.1 :)

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

I did find a post on this for a freebee spell check program... it is not the best but it is better than nothing...: it is free

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Posted on the from William T.
William T.
William T.

Hey Paul M.  is there a way that I can get you when I request support.  You are fast, polite AND very knowledgeable. 

On this topic.. I am still working through the project analysis. 

On info it says a "robots.txt" file is missing can you direct me to a tutorial on that?

It also says that "the picture file is too big" some images.  I thought that web5x downsized them as needed but apparently not.  What would the "best" size be (pixles is fine)..

I really like this new featuire.. it make it soooo easy to find issues!

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Posted on the from William T.
Paul M.
Paul M.

I'm usually not far away William: I try to keep an eye on the threads as often as I can.  Thanks for the kind words, but there are lots of others on here who will be more than willing to help you.  Sometimes users from other countries chip in too...  WebSite X5 has a truly international flavour to it  

A robots.txt file isn't mandatory.  It gives instructions to the Googlebot (and other search bots) as to which pages of your sites it is allowed to crawl and index.  So by definition it is more commonly used when you want to restrict access to certain pages rather than allow it.

You can create the robots.txt manually (, or alternatively you can let WebSite X5 upload the necessary file for you.  If you want to do the latter then you need to activate the 'Include the robots.txt file' option in Step 4 Advanced Settings > Statistics, SEO and Code > Basic tab (see the screenshot attached)...  then reupload your project to the server once more.

As regards image sizes, there are two sizes that matter: one is the physical dimensions of the image as they appear to the user in the browser, and the other is the size of the actual image file itself, the filesize.

There are no hard and fast rules but common sense plays a big part in choosing the dimensions for your images.  They have to sit correctly on the web page and not be dwarfed by the size of the text (font size) or vice-versa.

As for filesize the golden rule is that smaller is always better.  If you can compress and reduce your image file sizes then you will gain many advantages.  Your pages will load quicker, your SEO ranking will improve, you will require less space and bandwidth on the server, etc.

You can use a free online service such as the ones below to compress your images:

Hope that helps in some way...

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Posted on the from Paul M.