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giuseppe D.
giuseppe D.

Errore imprevisto. L'applicazione verrà chiusa.  it

Author: giuseppe D.
Visited 1963, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Sto utilizzando la versione Evolution Demo 12 su W7 SP1 x64; Ho già cancellato e reistallato tutti i NET Framework; Ho già provato a reistallare il software.

L'errore compare ogni volta che premo il tasto "Struttura del Modello Responsive" nel pannello "Stile del Modello".

Dettagli errore:

15/10/2015 08:55:53 [EXCEPTION] Riferimento a un oggetto non impostato su un\'istanza di oggetto. WebSiteX5    in (Object )     in .    .(Object )     in ..(Object , EventArgs )     in ..(Boolean , Boolean )     in ..(Object , EventArgs )     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnResize(EventArgs e)     in System.Windows.Forms.UserControl.OnResize(EventArgs e)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnSizeChanged(EventArgs e)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, Int32 clientWidth, Int32 clientHeight)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.UpdateBounds(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.SetBoundsCore(Int32 x, Int32 y, Int32 width, Int32 height, BoundsSpecified specified)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ScaleControl(SizeF factor, BoundsSpecified specified)     in System.Windows.Forms.ScrollableControl.ScaleControl(SizeF factor, BoundsSpecified specified)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ScaleControl(SizeF includedFactor, SizeF excludedFactor, Control requestingControl)     in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.Scale(SizeF includedFactor, SizeF excludedFactor, Control requestingControl)     in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.PerformAutoScale(Boolean includedBounds, Boolean excludedBounds)     in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.PerformNeededAutoScaleOnLayout()     in System.Windows.Forms.ContainerControl.OnLayoutResuming(Boolean performLayout)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ResumeLayout(Boolean performLayout)     in (Object , Boolean )     in .    .(Object , Boolean )     in ..()     in ...ctor()     in ..(PaneEnum )     in ..( , PaneEnum )     in ..(Object , )     in (Object , Object , )     in .    .(Object , Object , )     in . .(PaneEnum )     in ..(Object , MouseEventArgs )     in (Object , Object , MouseEventArgs )     in ..(Object , Object , MouseEventArgs )     in . .(Object , MouseEventArgs )     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs e)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m)     in System.Windows.Forms.Label.WndProc(Message& m)     in (Object , Message& )     in ..(Object , Message& )     in ..WndProc(Message& m)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m)     in System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m)     in System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam)  15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] wizTemplateStyles 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Waiting 1 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 0 Page 0 - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 10 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Change time: 0 2015-10-15 10:55:52 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 99 Page 3 - End 9 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 99 Page 5 - End 4 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 5 - Ending... 4 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 97 Page 4 - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 3 - Ending... 9 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Waiting 7 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Change time: 5 2015-10-15 10:55:52 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Change time: 3 2015-10-15 10:55:52 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 4 - Ending... 26 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Change time: 4 2015-10-15 10:55:52 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 96 Page -9 - End 25 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 25 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Change time: -9 2015-10-15 10:55:52 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 95 Page -8 - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 23 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Change time: -8 2015-10-15 10:55:52 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page -8 - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 11 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page -9 - Start 25 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 12 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 5 - Start 4 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 4 - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 3 - Start 9 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Page 0 - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 93 File captcha\\imcpa_ant.gif - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 9 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] Waiting 8 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 4 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 13 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] 93 File captcha\\imcpa_ga3.gif - End 12 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 26 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 11 15/10/2015 08:55:52 [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 23 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 23 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 92 File captcha\\imcpa_nl7.gif - End 9 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 91 File captcha\\imcpa_xug.gif - End 25 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 90 File style/style.css - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 89 File captcha\\imcpa_g7k.gif - End 4 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 88 File style/ie.css - End 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 87 File captcha\\imcpa_nxs.gif - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 86 File captcha\\imcpa_wgf.gif - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 86 File captcha\\imcpa_xle.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_nxs.gif - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 86 File captcha\\imcpa_ndj.gif - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ndj.gif - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xle.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 83 File captcha\\x5captcha.php - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_wgf.gif - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 83 File captcha\\imcpa_nl7.gif - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_nl7.gif - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 82 File captcha\\imcpa_xug.gif - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\x5captcha.php - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 81 File captcha\\imcpa_upl.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 79 File res\\class.smtp.php - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_upl.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xug.gif - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 78 File captcha\\imcpa_ga3.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 78 File res/x5settings.js - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 76 File captcha\\imcpa_ant.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 76 File captcha\\imcpa_ant.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ant.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 75 File captcha\\imcpa_g7k.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_g7k.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 74 File res\\class.phpmailer.php - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File style/ie.css - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 37 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 73 File res\\PHPMailerAutoload.php - End 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\class.smtp.php - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 72 File gallery\\3_thumb.png - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\class.phpmailer.php - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 71 File res\\jquery.js - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\PHPMailerAutoload.php - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 70 File gallery\\1_thumb.png - End 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File style/style.css - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 69 File res\\swfobject.js - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\jquery.js - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 68 File style\\reset.css - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\swfobject.js - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 67 File style\\print.css - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res/x5settings.js - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 66 File sitemap.xml - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File style\\print.css - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File style\\reset.css - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 66 File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 66 File captcha\\imcpa_upl.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File sitemap.xml - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 64 File res\\x5engine.js - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 48 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\x5engine.js - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 63 File res/x5settings.php - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 62 File res/ - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res/x5settings.php - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 61 File captcha\\imcpa_ndj.gif - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res/ - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 60 File res\\imlogout.php - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imlogout.php - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 59 File res\\imImage.swf - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imImage.swf - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 58 File res\\imVideo.swf - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imVideo.swf - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 57 File res\\imsearch.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imsearch.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 56 File res\\imSwipe.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imSwipe.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 55 File res\\info.gif - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\info.gif - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 54 File res\\imClose.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imClose.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 53 File res\\imArrB.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 62 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imArrB.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 52 File res\\imArrR.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imArrR.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 51 File res\\imIconMenuRight.gif - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuRight.gif - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 50 File res\\separatorh.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\separatorh.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 49 File res\\imfolder_closed.gif - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\imfolder_closed.gif - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 48 File res\\impage.gif - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\impage.gif - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 47 File res\\email_go.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\email_go.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 46 File res\\tick.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File res\\tick.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 45 File menu/hor_main.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File menu/hor_main.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 44 File menu/hor_main_c.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File menu/hor_main_c.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 43 File menu/sub.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File menu/sub.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 42 File menu/sub_f.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File menu/sub_f.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 41 File menu/sub_l.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File menu/sub_l.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 40 File menu/sub_m_h.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File menu/sub_m_h.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 39 File style\\top.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 65 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File gallery\\1_thumb.png - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 38 File captcha\\imcpa_xle.gif - End 11 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 37 File gallery\\2.jpg - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 67 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File gallery\\2.jpg - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 36 File gallery\\b02_l.png - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File gallery\\b02_l.png - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 35 File captcha\\imcpa_wgf.gif - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 69 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File style\\top.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 34 File style\\template.css - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File style\\template.css - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 33 File captcha\\imcpa_nxs.gif - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 72 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 72 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xug.gif - Start 25 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 33 File gallery\\3.jpg - End 25 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_upl.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 32 File gallery\\2_thumb.png - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ga3.gif - Start 12 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 31 File gallery\\1.jpg - End 12 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] Waiting 73 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_g7k.gif - Start 4 15/10/2015 08:55:51 [INFO] 30 File style\\bottom.png - End 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Waiting 73 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Loading System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ant.gif - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 29 File res\\l10n.php - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\l10n.php - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 28 File res\\l10n.js - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Waiting 84 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\l10n.js - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 27 File captcha\\x5captcha.php - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.Shared, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\x5captcha.php - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 26 File gallery\\b02_r.png - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_ndj.gif - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 25 File menu/sub_h.png - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_nxs.gif - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 24 File menu/sub_m.png - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_xle.gif - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_nl7.gif - Start 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 23 File menu/sub_l_h.png - End 11 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 23 File menu/sub_f_h.png - End 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_wgf.gif - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 21 File style/menu.css - End 26 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File style\\bottom.png - Start 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 21 File menu/hor_main_h.png - End 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File gallery\\b02_r.png - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 20 File menu\\mobile.png - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Waiting 103 Threads 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File gallery\\3.jpg - Start 25 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 18 File res/ - End 25 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File gallery\\1.jpg - Start 12 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 17 File res\\video_thumb.png - End 12 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File gallery\\2_thumb.png - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 17 File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu/sub_l_h.png - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu/sub_f_h.png - Start 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu/sub_m.png - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu/sub_h.png - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu\\mobile.png - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 14 File res\\separatorv.png - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 14 File res\\imfolder_open.gif - End 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu/hor_main_h.png - Start 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File menu/hor_main_h.png - Start 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res/ - Start 25 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 12 File res\\imArrL.png - End 25 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 11 File res\\x5cartengine.js - End 13 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 10 File res\\key_go.png - End 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\key_go.png - Start 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\exclamation.png - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 9 File res\\ - End 4 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imfolder_open.gif - Start 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\separatorv.png - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 9 File res\\move.png - End 11 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 9 File res\\x5engine.offline.js - End 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 9 File res\\imLoad.gif - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 9 File res\\imArrT.png - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\video_thumb.png - Start 12 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 9 File res\\date.gif - End 12 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuLeft.gif - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 7 File res\\imSound.swf - End 25 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 5 File res\\x5engine.php - End 24 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imArrT.png - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imLoad.gif - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 1 File res\\imPanZoom.swf - End 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] 1 File res\\expressInstall.swf - End 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\date.gif - Start 12 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imPanZoom.swf - Start 10 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\move.png - Start 11 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\imSound.swf - Start 25 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\x5engine.offline.js - Start 9 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\expressInstall.swf - Start 23 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\x5engine.php - Start 24 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File res\\x5cartengine.js - Start 13 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] File style/menu.css - Start 26 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] wizGeneralSettings 15/10/2015 08:55:50 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.mshtml, Version=7.0.3300.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b03f5f7f11d50a3a 15/10/2015 08:55:49 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 15/10/2015 08:55:49 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.WindowsAPICodePack.Shell, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 15/10/2015 08:55:49 [INFO] Loading Microsoft.GeneratedCode, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=null 15/10/2015 08:55:49 [INFO] Saved! 15/10/2015 08:55:49 [INFO] Saved!

Posted on the
Stefano G.

Buongiorno Giuseppe.

Perdonami ma non vedo alcuna licenza collegata al tuo profilo. Per caso con il software utilizzi un'altra email?

Fammi sapere

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Posted on the from Stefano G.
giuseppe D.
giuseppe D.

salve, non ho una licenza, mi sono registrato e ho scaricato la versione demo per capire le potenzialità del software creando già il mio sito e se tutto va bene acquistare la versione con licenza per ultimare e pubblicare il sito..

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Posted on the from giuseppe D.
giuseppe D.
giuseppe D.

il mio problema può essere legato al fatto che sto usando una versione demo? avevo letto che la demo aveva tutte le funzionalità del software, gli unici limiti dovrebbero essere il numero di pagine e la pubblicazione...

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Posted on the from giuseppe D.
Stefano G.

Buongiorno Giuseppe.

Il problema che stai sperimentando è dovuto allo zoom di Windows che probabilmente non è impostato al 100% ma ad un valore superiore.

In ogni caso il problema è conosciuto, e verrà aggiustato con il prossimo aggiornamento del software.

Le consiglio di attendere fino al rilascio della nuova versione demo o provare a riportare il valore di Zoom di DPI al 100%.

Spero di essere stato utile

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Posted on the from Stefano G.