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Louise M.
Louise M.

Uploading of File  en

Author: Louise M.
Visited 750, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Good day.  I added a tab to my website where people can upload the childs stationery list to me, but when they upload the form it comes through to me as a form_data.csv file, which contains no information.  That happens even if a pdf or jpeg file is attached, it come through as a csv file.  I've included a pic of how my upload settings is and also how it comes through.  Where am I missing something.


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Louise M.
Louise M.

Here the the uploading settings.

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Posted on the from Louise M.
Claudio D.

Hello Louise M.,

With the release of Version 12 Incomedia is no longer providing support for Version 9 as you can see from following announcement:

I would suggest you to open a public post to ask other users for advice and talk with the community.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.