Website X5 displayed at the search result together with domainname
Author: Ron V.We made a website ( with WebsiteX5 and is our webhost.
When we search in Google, "www Praktijk de Levensweg", the Homepage of our Website is always displayed together with "Website X5" behind, like this:
Praktijk de Levensweg: Homepage - WEBSITE X5 ... op de website van Praktijk de Levensweg.,Praktijk de Levensweg is een praktijk voor transpersoonlijke counseling en ...
We like WebsiteX5, but we don't want it in the searchresult.
This is only the case with our homepage. The following pages Google are displayed normal.
When you search in google with "praktijk de levensweg" (without www) de homepage never will be found.
2. There's another strange searchresult when we google with only "praktijk de levensweg":
see the added tag
Algemene Site Map - Praktijk de Levensweg
Algemene Site Map - Praktijk de Levensweg. Ga naar de inhoud. Hoofdmenu: Welkom · Werkwijze · Methoden · Over mij · Praktisch · Contact · Links.
So I think this result should not be in te searchresults at all.
Can you help us please to change this.
With kind regards, Ron
Hello Ron,
These search results are appearing because at some point in the past an unregistered version of WebSite X5 was used to produce your site.
You do not have to do anything as these search results will soon disappear from Google's cache now that a licensed version of WebSite X5 is being used.
Please remember to update your software to the latest release - you can do so using the 'Update' facility within the program itself, or alternatively download the current setup file here:
Kind regards,