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Chris Stevens
Chris Stevens

Coupon Codes in X5 Professional V12  en

Author: Chris Stevens
Visited 2974, Followers 1, Shared 0  

I have a drama with coupon codes.

I have created a number of different Coupon Codes for my Site which can be applied at checkout to add the respective discount.

The issue is I can only get one to be active at any one time. I can't get it so that any of the codes are accepted (but only one is applied to the order).

This is quite important because of the way my revenue streams work.

I have a number of resellers of my products. Each of them I identify with a reseller code (which is the Coupon Code thats applied at the checkout on the site). For some resellers they direct their customers to order directly through our site and use the coupon code they provide them for a discount.

The purpose of this coupon code being used is so that we can track which Reseller has generated the sales lead and calculate the rebates we pay them at the end of the month for the referral business.

Essentially the discount level is the same fixed discount for ALL resellers on exactly the same products, but the codes are unique so I can differentiate where the lead has come from.

How do I get it so that all voucher codes available in the system are able to be applied at the checkout? (8 particular products that I want to enable two dozen or so different discount codes on with scalability).

Posted on the
Stefano G.

Hi Chris.

Unfortunately this is not possible with the software as of now.

This is because it follows the rule that normally you are not allowed to sum multiple offers in order to purchase products, but must use a single one per time.

You might open an "Idea" topic in order to ask for the possibility to create specific coupons that allow to be summed with others, in order for the Staff to better keep track of every suggestion.

Alternatively, as of now, you might create ad hoc coupon for users that require more than one single discount together.

Hope I've been helpful

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Posted on the from Stefano G.
Chris Stevens
Chris Stevens

Hey Stefano,

Not quite what I meant.. I want to be able to only apply one coupon code to any sale. Multiple codes will not be accepted in the same transaction.

But I want a range of possible different coupon codes that can be submitted (even though only one can be applied to an order at any time) - each code would be for a different discount level, but only one will ever be applied.

The idea is not to stack discounts, but to have a variety of different codes available that can be applied to provide a single discount.

Is that possible?



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Posted on the from Chris Stevens
Stefano G.

Hi Chris.

It is actually possible to create multiple coupon codes, both for the single product or for the whole order.

The discount code for the product can be created in the product customization window, while the order one can be completed in the last ecommerc tab in step 4.

Check and let me know

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Posted on the from Stefano G.