Problem with background on index page 
Author: Anne V.
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Help please! I am trying to update my website with a new page background tile but on the index page the tile isn't visible (see attached screenshot). It appears correctly in the other areas of the page and on all other pages in the site.
In Template Structure/Page Background, the image file coll-03.jpg is selected and set at Tile Image and Top Left. Fixed Background is selected.
I have redone the settings several times and repeated the upload to the server but I cannot get the background to appear correctly on the front page.
Any solution you can offer to this problem would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks,
Anne Vaudin
Posted on the
Hello Anne,
The existing CSS for your index page is referencing an image file called coll-03d.jpg as opposed to coll-03.jpg (note the lower case letter 'd')
The former is not present on your server, whilst the latter is:
I suggest that you double-check the file name and integrity of the image file you are selecting in Template Structure/Page Background, then hold down the 'CTRL' key whilst entering the Preview mode, then reupload ALL files to the server in Step 5, not just those recently modified.
Alternatively you could try temporarily selecting a completely different image file altogether and uploading to the server briefly, then reselect the correct 'coll-03.jpg' image file and reupload once more. In this case you shouldn't need to upload every single project file all over again. Both of these methods should refresh and update the relevant CSS file.
Kind regards,
I tried both your suggestions twice, Paul, but no joy. However, I've managed to get around the problem by making a copy of coll-03.jpg and naming it coll-03d.jpg.
It works, but it's strange that the CSS file for the index page is so adamantly holding to the previous background file name in spite of all my efforts to convince it otherwise.
Hi, I visited your website and my Browser show me a correct image; I surfed on every page with the same result, the only trouble I met is the missed link to the email page.
My Best regards,
p.s. you can see the attachment.
Thanks, Gabriele. I know I've got around the problem of the background file, but I'm still curious as to why it should happen.
The email button isn't meant to open a page - it's just a link to the email address and should open a new email in the viewer's default mail program.
Hello Anne,
Please send me the project IWZIP file to see on what it depends. You can use the option on to generate a link which you can then write here so I can download it.
Many thanks!