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N. Chandrasiri
N. Chandrasiri

Jssor slider error  en

Author: N. Chandrasiri
Visited 2737, Followers 1, Shared 0  

hi i try to add images in jssor slider, but always i get error box.. please see my attachment... 
after exit the box, programe stuck and i must need close it using task manager --> end programe.. 

Posted on the
Chester G.
Chester G.

Looks like an error maybe done on the install. Try uninstalling and reinstalling. Any saved projects make sure to save them in the webx format and move the files to a different folder before uninstalling. Could also be a bug they havent discovered since the past few updates.

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Posted on the from Chester G.
Claudio D.

Hello N. Chandrasiri,

Should it happen again please open the "Details" tab and then copy the content and paste it here to see on what it depends.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.
N. Chandrasiri
N. Chandrasiri

12/29/2015 3:17:51 PM [EXCEPTION] Could not load file or assembly \'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e, Retargetable=Yes\' or one of its dependencies. The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) Jint at Jint.Engine..ctor(Action`1 options) at WebsiteX5.BL.PageObjects.Helpers.JSEngine..ctor() at WebsiteX5.BL.PageObjects.ObjectPluginApp.getJSEngine() at WebsiteX5.BL.PageObjects.ObjectPluginApp.NotifyFieldValueChanged(String fieldId, List`1 currentFieldValues) at (Object , String , List`1 ) at ..(Object , String , List`1 ) at ...(Object , EventArgs ) at (Object , Object , EventArgs ) at ..(Object , Object , EventArgs ) at . .() at . .(Object , EventArgs ) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnClick(EventArgs e) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.OnMouseUp(MouseEventArgs mevent) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WmMouseUp(Message& m, MouseButtons button, Int32 clicks) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.ButtonBase.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Button.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.OnMessage(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.Control.ControlNativeWindow.WndProc(Message& m) at System.Windows.Forms.NativeWindow.Callback(IntPtr hWnd, Int32 msg, IntPtr wparam, IntPtr lparam) 12/29/2015 3:17:47 PM [INFO] Plugin app cannot update its contents: Could not load file or assembly \'System, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=7cec85d7bea7798e, Retargetable=Yes\' or one of its dependencies. The given assembly name or codebase was invalid. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x80131047) 12/29/2015 3:17:47 PM [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Cannot invoke a method on a control that has no handle. 12/29/2015 3:17:47 PM [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Cannot invoke a method on a control that has no handle. 12/29/2015 3:17:47 PM [INFO] WSX5 Invoke Helper: Cannot invoke a method on a control that has no handle. 12/29/2015 3:17:47 PM [INFO] Default Responsive - End 12/29/2015 3:17:47 PM [INFO] Default Responsive - Start 12/29/2015 3:17:46 PM [INFO] Loading Jint, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2e92ba9c8d81157f 12/29/2015 3:17:37 PM [INFO] wizPageCreation 12/29/2015 3:17:37 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.WinControls, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 12/29/2015 3:17:34 PM [INFO] wizPlanWebsite 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Waiting 1 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 0 Page 3 - End 4 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 3 - Ending... 4 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 3 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Waiting 5 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 99 Page 4 - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 4 - Ending... 8 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 4 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 98 Page 19 - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 19 - Ending... 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 19 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 97 Page 18 - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 18 - Ending... 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 96 Page 17 - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 17 - Ending... 9 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 95 Page 16 - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 17 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 18 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 95 Page 11 - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 95 Page 12 - End 17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 95 Page 14 - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 94 Page 15 - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 14 - Ending... 6 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 12 - Ending... 17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 12 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 11 - Ending... 15 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 11 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 15 - Ending... 26 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 16 - Ending... 24 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Waiting 14 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Waiting 14 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 15 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 19 - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 91 Page 10 - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 10 - Ending... 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 16 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 10 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 18 - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 91 Page 13 - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 13 - Ending... 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 14 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 13 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 17 - Start 9 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 90 Page 8 - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 8 - Ending... 9 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 8 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 16 - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 89 Page 5 - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 15 - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 89 Page 6 - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 6 - Ending... 26 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 6 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 14 - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 88 Page 9 - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 13 - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Waiting 20 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 9 - Ending... 6 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 9 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 87 Page 7 - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 12 - Start 17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 87 Page -9 - End 17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 11 - Start 15 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 10 - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 87 Page -8 - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] 87 Page 0 - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 7 - Ending... 25 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 7 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 5 - Ending... 24 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 5 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Ending... 17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page 0 - Ending... 15 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: -9 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: 0 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Ending... 7 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Change time: -8 2015-12-29 20:47:17 12/29/2015 3:17:17 PM [INFO] Waiting 20 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 20 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 20 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 9 - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 8 - Start 9 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 7 - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 9 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 6 - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 26 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page -8 - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 7 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 5 - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 4 - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 23 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 3 - Start 4 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 4 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page -9 - Start 17 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Page 0 - Start 15 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 82 File captcha\\imcpa_2ej.gif - End 17 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 15 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 82 File captcha\\imcpa_trx.gif - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 82 File captcha\\imcpa_dk7.gif - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 26 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 24 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 4 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 15 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 81 File captcha\\imcpa_7xw.gif - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 81 File captcha\\imcpa_7xw.gif - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 26 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 80 File captcha\\imcpa_6vm.gif - End 4 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 79 File captcha\\imcpa_kxh.gif - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 25 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] -------------------------------------------->>> Conflict! 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 28 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 78 File captcha\\imcpa_gkg.gif - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 78 File captcha\\imcpa_gkg.gif - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 78 File captcha\\imcpa_c26.gif - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 77 File captcha\\imcpa_l28.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 77 File captcha\\imcpa_c26.gif - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_c26.gif - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 76 File captcha\\imcpa_dk7.gif - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_l28.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 75 File captcha\\imcpa_6vm.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_dk7.gif - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_6vm.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 73 File captcha\\imcpa_trx.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 73 File captcha\\imcpa_gkg.gif - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_trx.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 73 File captcha\\x5captcha.php - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\x5captcha.php - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 72 File captcha\\imcpa_kxh.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_gkg.gif - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 71 File captcha\\imcpa_38u.gif - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_kxh.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 70 File captcha\\imcpa_7xw.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_7xw.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_38u.gif - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 69 File captcha\\imcpa_2ej.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 69 File captcha\\imcpa_l28.gif - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_2ej.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] 67 File captcha\\imcpa_38u.gif - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:16 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 41 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Loading System.Data, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 46 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_kxh.gif - Start 15 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 66 File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_gkg.gif - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 65 File sitemap.xml - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_trx.gif - Start 9 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 65 File style/style.css - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_dk7.gif - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 64 File captcha\\x5captcha.php - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_l28.gif - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 64 File res\\swfobject.js - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File sitemap.xml - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 62 File res\\x5engine.js - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 52 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\x5captcha.php - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 61 File style\\reset.css - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_38u.gif - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 60 File res/ - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_2ej.gif - Start 17 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 60 File res/x5settings.php - End 17 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_c26.gif - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 59 File res\\imArrR.png - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File captcha\\imcpa_7xw.gif - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 58 File res\\imlogout.php - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File style\\reset.css - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 58 File res\\imClose.png - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File style/style.css - Start 9 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 57 File res\\info.gif - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\swfobject.js - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.js - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 56 File res\\imsearch.png - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 56 File res\\imVideo.swf - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 59 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\x5engine.deferrable.js - Start 15 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 54 File res\\imSwipe.png - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res/x5settings.php - Start 17 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 54 File admin\\css\\template.css - End 17 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res/ - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 53 File res\\imArrB.png - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imlogout.php - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 52 File res\\imImage.swf - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imImage.swf - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 51 File res\\imIconMenuRight.gif - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imVideo.swf - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imsearch.png - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 50 File res\\impage.gif - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 50 File res\\email_go.png - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imSwipe.png - Start 15 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] Waiting 68 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 49 File admin\\checkaccess.php - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\info.gif - Start 9 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 47 File admin\\header.php - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrR.png - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imClose.png - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] File res\\imArrB.png - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 47 File res\\imfolder_closed.gif - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:15 PM [INFO] 47 File admin\\login.php - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 45 File res\\separatorh.png - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] Waiting 69 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File res\\imIconMenuRight.gif - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 44 File res\\tick.png - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] Waiting 71 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File res\\separatorh.png - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 43 File admin\\images\\blog.png - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File res\\imfolder_closed.gif - Start 7 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 43 File admin\\images\\icn_pay.jpg - End 7 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File res\\impage.gif - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File res\\email_go.png - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\images\\guestbook.png - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\images\\move_right.png - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File res\\tick.png - Start 26 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\images\\icn_send.jpg - End 26 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\checkaccess.php - Start 15 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\header.php - Start 9 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\css\\template.css - Start 17 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\Chart.min.js - End 15 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\availability.php - End 17 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\download.php - End 9 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\login.php - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 42 File admin\\images\\dynamicobjects.png - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] Waiting 78 Threads 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] Loading Atalasoft.dotImage.Lib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=2b02b46f7326f73b 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\blog.png - Start 25 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 36 File admin\\images\\zoom.png - End 25 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\move_right.png - Start 6 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 35 File admin\\order.php - End 6 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\dynamicobjects.png - Start 8 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 34 File admin\\images\\test.png - End 8 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\guestbook.png - Start 24 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] 34 File res\\l10n.js - End 24 12/29/2015 3:17:14 PM [INFO] File admin\\images\\icn_pay.jpg - Start 7

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Posted on the from N. Chandrasiri
Claudio D.

Hello N. Chandrasiri,

Proceed to repair the .NET Frameworks by following these steps:

To repair the .NET Frameworks 3.5 and 4 you need as first to use following cleanup tool to remove .NET 4:
Once done go to Control Panel then choose Programs and Features and then click on Turn Windows features on or off. Clear the check box for Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1 and then click on OK. After Windows disables the feature you will need to go back to re-enable Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5.1
This procedure can take some time to deactivate and activate .NET 3.5.1 and once done reinstall .NET 4 after downloading it from following link:

Proceed also to install all visual C++ libraries you findunder following link by choosing always the X86 Version:

Once done test it again and in case inform me.

Many thanks!

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Posted on the from Claudio D.