403 Forbidden 
Author: Ekrem Ozer
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I have recently published my website. (www.dfklift.co.uk)
The website is not fully complete but i have finished 2 pages.
I have 2 forms on the website one is "Apply" and the other "Contact Us"
If you fill in any of these 2 forms i get an error message and the message i get for both of them is
You don't have permission to access /imemail/imEmailForm_32stdx4w.php on this server.
Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.
I have also attached a screenshot of the uploaded files into the server of which i use 1and1
I have also changed the PHP settings from 1and1 to 5.6
Can some one let me know why this is happeneing?
Posted on the
Hello Ekrem,
The file permissions for your PHP scripts should be '644' as opposed to '604'.
Check also that there are no .htaccess rules in place restricting access.
At present, the login page to your online control panel is not accessible, and this is not as it should be (unless of course you have restricted access intentionally):
Kind regards,
Hi Paul,
I have changed the Moderator PHP script permission to "664" as the picture attached and yet again i have tried filling in the form which gives me the same error. Does this "664" have to be for all PHP files in "imemail"
I only have 2 forms on the website but in the "imEmailForm i have many PHP files?
i have checked and dont have any .htaccess Files (im guessing this is an extension of a file)
If it helps i am using the Website X5 Professional 12 which i did not set up any login access under "Access Management" which is under "Advance Settings"
Would it help if i Delete all files and reupload?
The file permissions for the PHP scripts should be 644 (six four four) as per my initial reply, not 664 (six six four).
However, I still feel that your server is incorrectly configured in other ways, especially as it is not possible to access the login page for the online control panel. Be aware that WebSite X5 sets this up automatically for every single project... you don't need to specify admin credentials in advance as WebSite X5 supplies default values. The online control panel has several diagnostic sections with extremely useful tests which can confirm whether essential compenents are installed and working correctly on the server, for example PHP. I strongly recommend that we get this working first before trying to troubleshoot the email form issue further.
Incidentally, it is quite normal for there to be more than one 'imEmailForm' script (with varying suffixes) in the 'imemail' folder, and this in itself is not a problem.
I suggest contacting your webhost, 1and1, and asking them to give a reason as to why access is being denied to certain files and folders on your server. I feel that somewhere along the line there will be .htaccess rules in place, possibly somewhere higher up the directory structure.
Please keep us updated... many thanks!
Hi Paul,
I have contacted 1and1 and my features were limited as i were holding a basic account, i have upgraded the account to unlimited access which they said it will take 3-5 days to take affect. Hopefully this will resolve all issues including the PHP scripts and the online login to the control panel.
I think there was a .htacess rule in place due to being a beginer account.
Once i get the upgraded version i will check if the contact form works and most importantly if the online control panel login works from http://www.dfklift.co.uk/admin/login.php
The thing the server providers dont tell you is what service or package is included in the contract hire but there you go you live and learn.
I will keep you updated.
Hi Paul,
The Changes has taken affect and my account has been upgraded.
The contact form feature works perfectly fine and also the online control panel login.
So like you said the issue was not the Website X5 Pro it was 1and1.
This is the login page of the control panel.
Many thanks for your help and i have amended the PHP script permission to 644 as i have made a mistake of using 664.