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Dmitriy S.
Dmitriy S.

All objects & php scripts stopped work. On different hostings  en

Author: Dmitriy S.
Visited 1940, Followers 1, Shared 0  

Hi! Yesterday, all objects & php scripts stopped work. On different hostings. Don't work poll, charts, animated button, mail form ( The requested URL /imemail/imEmailForm.php was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.). In website X5 12 all ok. But on site don't work.

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Paul M.
Paul M.

Hello Dmitriy,

If the files are not present on the server and you think they should be (i.e. you have not removed them) then you will need to contact your webhost to ask why that is the case.

This is a server/webhosting issue, and nothing to do with WebSite X5 as such.

Kind regards,


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Posted on the from Paul M.
Dmitriy S.
Dmitriy S.

On new hosting all too. It is not hosting trouble!

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Posted on the from Dmitriy S.
Dmitriy S.
Dmitriy S.
Paul M.
Hello Dmitriy, If the files are not present on the server and you think they should be (i.e. you have not removed them) then you will need to contact your webhost to ask why that is the case. This is a server/webhosting issue, and nothing to do with WebSite X5 as such. Kind regards, Paul

On new hosting all too. It is not hosting trouble! Early all work. Problems started after install on server database for object polls.

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Posted on the from Dmitriy S.
Paul M.
Paul M.
Dmitriy S.
Problems started after install on server database for object polls.

That's the point I was making...  this is a server issue.  You will need to contact your webhost and ask them to help you understand in what way the correct configuration of your server has been broken.

If you get this message "The requested URL /imemail/imEmailForm.php was not found on this server. Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request." then the file is not physically present and either it has been deleted or your server configuration has been altered in other ways.

I would start by reversing the steps you took recently, or alternatively please explain in greater detail exactly what you mean by "install on server database for object polls".

You also stated "In website X5 12 all ok. But on site don't work."  -  yet PHP scripts will only run on the server.  They will not function in the WebSite X5 preview.  Please be clearer in explaining the issue so we can assist further.  Is PHP installed on your server(s) at present?  Have you checked it is operating correctly by using the built-in WebSite X5 online control panel?

Please post a URL for each site in question.  Many thanks.

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Posted on the from Paul M.