How to get same space between main manu title text ? 
Author: Anhua D.
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There are different spaces between main manu text title with the preview, which looks not so good. How can I get the same space in between?
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A prtscrn would help, what kind of menu do you have horizontal or vertical ? and what space ?
Usuallly spaces in the menu can be set in the template : step1 template style -> main templat stucture. (distance between header and site and spaces like that)
or in step 1 template style, main menu style.
(check als the tab options you have)
Have you also checked the help in x5? Use F1 key in wherever part you are where you need help. The help file of x5 is pritty good and yuo may find your answer quicker. Also the best practice part in the help file is very usefull.
Hope this helps... :)
Hi, I have the main menu horizontal in one line. The empaty spaces between the last alpfabet of the anterior menu title and the first alphabet of the following menu title are not the same, horizontally, becourse each menu title text/words has not the same length of alphabets. Nothing to do with header and site. There are options that count the each menu title as a hole part. What if there are different lengths of each menu titles? Pls help to make the same length of space between each menu titles.
If you mean that you want the end off the first menutext and the beginning of the second menutext to be the same as the end of the secondmenutext and the beginning of the third menutext. Then this is not possible. But it is also not custum to do so, because the menu items differs in number of characters and also in length. (or you should keep the text same size but that is probably not a very usefull menu.
The menu spacing itself is a graphical space, and these spaces have all the same difference between them and the same lenght. Inside that space there is the text.
Usually you set the length of the graphical menuitem to the longest text item inside the menu.
You can set the text to be all aligned on the left, right or middle of this, I think the last one will make your menu look better. You can set this in the menu options. step1 -> template style -> main menu in the general tab you can set the alignement of text, in menu items tab you can set the cours use also the pulldown menu in there to get more options, but befor you do that set the background color of the menu to see how the spaces are created for your menu text that comes inside this. This helps you better to see the space overall and you can remove it afterwarts if you like.
There is also a 3d style tab with options to make the menu look differently.
I would suggest to play around and see what works best for you in these settings.
Now I got it. But did not help with my Q. It is good idea you do something to make the solution.
If you would like Incomedia to try your suggestion, then make an IDEA post for them. maybe they can create it in an next version or update.